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Deutsche Reichspost

An: Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker
in Wien III
Wohnung Traungasse 1

[postmark:] || BERLIN W. a | 3011 | 92 | 4½-5N. ||
[postmark:] || WIEN 3/3 | 49 | BESTELLT | 1 -12.92 | 6N. ||

Berlin W.9. Koethenerstr. 27 II.

Sehr geehrter Herr!

mit bestem Dank theile ich Ihnen mit, daß der Artikel in Nr. 10 erscheint. 1 Es wird mich sehr interessiren, wenn Sie mir Neues senden wollen; was Sie andeuten, klingt ja verlockend genug.

Ihr Urtheil 2 über die Bellincioni unterschreibe ich; sie ist im kleinen Finger genialer als die ganze Duse.

In ausgezeichneter Hochachtung
Ihr ergebener
[signed:] Harden

© Transcription William Pastille, 2006


German Imperial Post

To: Dr. Heinrich Schenker
in: Vienna III
Address: Traungasse 1

[postmark:] || BERLIN W. a | 3011 | 92 | 4½-5 P.M. ||
[postmark:] || VIENNA 3/3 | 49 | DELIVERED | 1 -12.92 | 6 P.M. ||

Berlin W.9., Koethenerstraße 27 II
November 29, 1892

Dear Sir,

With many thanks I am letting you know that the article will appear in No. 10. 1 I would be very interested if you wished to send me something new; what you suggest certainly sounds intriguing enough.

I concur with your judgment 2 about Bellincioni; she has more talent in her little finger than Duse has in her whole body.

In highest esteem,
Yours truly,
[signed:] Harden

© Translation William Pastille, 2006


Deutsche Reichspost

An: Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker
in Wien III
Wohnung Traungasse 1

[postmark:] || BERLIN W. a | 3011 | 92 | 4½-5N. ||
[postmark:] || WIEN 3/3 | 49 | BESTELLT | 1 -12.92 | 6N. ||

Berlin W.9. Koethenerstr. 27 II.

Sehr geehrter Herr!

mit bestem Dank theile ich Ihnen mit, daß der Artikel in Nr. 10 erscheint. 1 Es wird mich sehr interessiren, wenn Sie mir Neues senden wollen; was Sie andeuten, klingt ja verlockend genug.

Ihr Urtheil 2 über die Bellincioni unterschreibe ich; sie ist im kleinen Finger genialer als die ganze Duse.

In ausgezeichneter Hochachtung
Ihr ergebener
[signed:] Harden

© Transcription William Pastille, 2006


German Imperial Post

To: Dr. Heinrich Schenker
in: Vienna III
Address: Traungasse 1

[postmark:] || BERLIN W. a | 3011 | 92 | 4½-5 P.M. ||
[postmark:] || VIENNA 3/3 | 49 | DELIVERED | 1 -12.92 | 6 P.M. ||

Berlin W.9., Koethenerstraße 27 II
November 29, 1892

Dear Sir,

With many thanks I am letting you know that the article will appear in No. 10. 1 I would be very interested if you wished to send me something new; what you suggest certainly sounds intriguing enough.

I concur with your judgment 2 about Bellincioni; she has more talent in her little finger than Duse has in her whole body.

In highest esteem,
Yours truly,
[signed:] Harden

© Translation William Pastille, 2006


1 Schenker's second article for Harden, "Eine jung-italienische Schule?", Die Zukunft, December 3, 1892, reprinted Hellmut Federhofer, Heinrich Schenker als Essayist und Kritiker (Hildesheim: Olms, 1990), pp. 31–34.

2 In "Mascagni in Wien," Schenker does not himself compare Bellincioni with Duse, but he notes a comparison made by the Vienna opera audiences: "The significance of genius manifested by this young lady (our public dubbed her ‘the singing Duse') can hardly be measured today."; reprinted in Hellmut Federhofer, Heinrich Schenker als Essayist und Kritiker (Hildesheim: Olms, 1990), p. 29.) The critical judgment about Duse must have occurred in some other correspondence from Schenker to Harden.


printed postcard, holograph recipient address recto, holograph sender address, salutations, message and signature, stamped signature, verso
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1945)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1945-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Maximilian Harden, deemed to be in the public domain
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Maximilian Harden. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, at schenkercorrespondence (at) mus (dot) camc (dot) uk

Digital version created: 2014-12-04
Last updated: 2012-09-26