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PhA/Ar 56, [5] - Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Haas, dated September 28, 1932
⇧ Postkarte Absender: ⇧ Schenker III, Keilgasse 8 [An:]H. Univ. Prof. Dr. Robert Haas Wien, I Augustinerbast. 6 Nat.-bibl., Musikabt. [postmark:] || [illeg] WIEN [illeg] | 28. IX. 32 19 | * 4h * || {verso} Verehrtester Herr Professor! 1 H. v. Hoboken bittet mich, Sie zur Kuratoriumssitzung bei mir, III Keilgasse 8, am Dienstag † , 4/10, Nach. 4½ einzuladen. 2 Hiermit lade ich Sie herzlich ein, hoffe Bestes für die Sache, richtiger: wünsche es! [written across verso in an unknown hand:] abgesagt © Transcription Marko Deisinger, 2012 |
⇧ Postcard From: ⇧ Schenker, [Vienna] III, Keilgasse 8 [To:]Univ. Prof. Dr. Robert Haas, Vienna I, Augustinerbastei 6 National Library, Music Department [postmark:] || [illeg] VIENNA [illeg] | 28. IX. 32 19 | * 4h * || {verso} Most highly revered Professor, 1 Mr. van Hoboken asks me to invite you to the Board of Trustees' meeting at my place, Vienna III, Keilgasse 8, on Tuesday † October 4 at 4:30 p.m. 2 I herewith cordially invite you, and hope the best for the matter ‒ or more correctly, I wish it! [written across verso in an unknown hand:] declined © Translation Ian Bent, 2012 |
⇧ Postkarte Absender: ⇧ Schenker III, Keilgasse 8 [An:]H. Univ. Prof. Dr. Robert Haas Wien, I Augustinerbast. 6 Nat.-bibl., Musikabt. [postmark:] || [illeg] WIEN [illeg] | 28. IX. 32 19 | * 4h * || {verso} Verehrtester Herr Professor! 1 H. v. Hoboken bittet mich, Sie zur Kuratoriumssitzung bei mir, III Keilgasse 8, am Dienstag † , 4/10, Nach. 4½ einzuladen. 2 Hiermit lade ich Sie herzlich ein, hoffe Bestes für die Sache, richtiger: wünsche es! [written across verso in an unknown hand:] abgesagt © Transcription Marko Deisinger, 2012 |
⇧ Postcard From: ⇧ Schenker, [Vienna] III, Keilgasse 8 [To:]Univ. Prof. Dr. Robert Haas, Vienna I, Augustinerbastei 6 National Library, Music Department [postmark:] || [illeg] VIENNA [illeg] | 28. IX. 32 19 | * 4h * || {verso} Most highly revered Professor, 1 Mr. van Hoboken asks me to invite you to the Board of Trustees' meeting at my place, Vienna III, Keilgasse 8, on Tuesday † October 4 at 4:30 p.m. 2 I herewith cordially invite you, and hope the best for the matter ‒ or more correctly, I wish it! [written across verso in an unknown hand:] declined © Translation Ian Bent, 2012 |
Footnotes1 Writing of this postcard is reported in Schenker's diary at OJ 4/5, p. 3779, September 28, 1932: "An Haas (K.): Einladung zu einer Kuratorium-Sitzung bei uns." (To Haas (postcard): invitation to a Board of Trustees' meeting at our place."). 2 The Board of Trustees' meeting was put back one week. It took place on October 11, 1932, as evidenced by a surviving copy of the minutes of the meeting: PhA/Ar 3. |
Format† Double underlined |
Digital version created: 2012-10-27 |