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[The following two entries are undated. They have been assigned the following date so as to preserve their position between other, fully dated, items, namely those of May 31 and September 12, bearing in mind that Schenker was probably on vacation from the middle of June to early September.]

Ser. B, {1}
[7. Juni]

In modernen Kompositionen sammeln sich zuweilen die sog. Stimmungen, wie an verschiedenen Stellen der Erdoberfläche ‒ die Wasser. 1


Ser. A, {3}
Paula Szalit für Conzerte vorbereitet, u. a.: S. Bachs Fuge cism (5stm) u. esmoll .

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2017

[The following two entries are undated. They have been assigned the following date so as to preserve their position between other, fully dated, items, namely those of May 31 and September 12, bearing in mind that Schenker was probably on vacation from the middle of June to early September.]

Ser. B, {1}
[June 7]

In modern compositions are gathered together from time to time so-called moods, as at different places on the surface of the earth are ‒ the waters. 1


Ser. A, {3}
Paula Szalit prepared for concerts, among other things, J. S. Bach's Fugues in Cě minor (5-voiced) and Eę minor.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2017

[The following two entries are undated. They have been assigned the following date so as to preserve their position between other, fully dated, items, namely those of May 31 and September 12, bearing in mind that Schenker was probably on vacation from the middle of June to early September.]

Ser. B, {1}
[7. Juni]

In modernen Kompositionen sammeln sich zuweilen die sog. Stimmungen, wie an verschiedenen Stellen der Erdoberfläche ‒ die Wasser. 1


Ser. A, {3}
Paula Szalit für Conzerte vorbereitet, u. a.: S. Bachs Fuge cism (5stm) u. esmoll .

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2017

[The following two entries are undated. They have been assigned the following date so as to preserve their position between other, fully dated, items, namely those of May 31 and September 12, bearing in mind that Schenker was probably on vacation from the middle of June to early September.]

Ser. B, {1}
[June 7]

In modern compositions are gathered together from time to time so-called moods, as at different places on the surface of the earth are ‒ the waters. 1


Ser. A, {3}
Paula Szalit prepared for concerts, among other things, J. S. Bach's Fugues in Cě minor (5-voiced) and Eę minor.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2017


1 This item is taken from Series B (Schenker's drafts), p. 1. It is entirely undated: all that can be said is that it appears before the first item dated to 1898, on Series B, p. 2 (item 3: Gerhard Hauptmann). Its placement after May 31, 1897 links it to the item of that date by virtue of their shared opposition to "modern" music ‒ a theme that will recur constantly throughout his diaries.