15. Januar 12
{198} Vrieslander, Vorwort zu einem Mendelssohnbrevier vorgelesen. Eingestandenermaßen Gedankengang der Vorrede [zu Beethovens Neunte Sinfonie] u. Ornamentik benützt; aber keine Citierung meines Namens. Anfrage wegen Mitwirkung am „losen Vogel“ von Franz Blei . Correkturen mehrerer Ländler. Sonaten (Amoll) von Em. Bach: erster Satz, Dchf. Amoll. 1 *Schönbergs Harmonielehre, 2 Durchsicht jener Stellen, die mich citieren. *Correkturen 7. Bogen[, S. 97–112, Beethovens Neunte Sinfonie]. 3 © Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
January 15, 1912.
{198} Vrieslander: the guide to Mendelssohn read aloud. Admittedly, the line of reasoning in the preface [to Beethovens Ninth Symphony ] and Ornamentation has been used; but no mention of my name. Inquiry about a collaboration on Der lose Vogel by Franz Blei . Corrections to several Ländler. Sonatas (in A minor) by C. P. E. Bach: first movement, development in A minor. 1 *Schoenberg's Harmonielehre 2 : examination of the passages in which I am quoted. *Proof corrections, gathering 7[, pp. 97–112, Beethoven's Ninth Symphony]. 3 © Translation William Drabkin. |
15. Januar 12
{198} Vrieslander, Vorwort zu einem Mendelssohnbrevier vorgelesen. Eingestandenermaßen Gedankengang der Vorrede [zu Beethovens Neunte Sinfonie] u. Ornamentik benützt; aber keine Citierung meines Namens. Anfrage wegen Mitwirkung am „losen Vogel“ von Franz Blei . Correkturen mehrerer Ländler. Sonaten (Amoll) von Em. Bach: erster Satz, Dchf. Amoll. 1 *Schönbergs Harmonielehre, 2 Durchsicht jener Stellen, die mich citieren. *Correkturen 7. Bogen[, S. 97–112, Beethovens Neunte Sinfonie]. 3 © Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
January 15, 1912.
{198} Vrieslander: the guide to Mendelssohn read aloud. Admittedly, the line of reasoning in the preface [to Beethovens Ninth Symphony ] and Ornamentation has been used; but no mention of my name. Inquiry about a collaboration on Der lose Vogel by Franz Blei . Corrections to several Ländler. Sonatas (in A minor) by C. P. E. Bach: first movement, development in A minor. 1 *Schoenberg's Harmonielehre 2 : examination of the passages in which I am quoted. *Proof corrections, gathering 7[, pp. 97–112, Beethoven's Ninth Symphony]. 3 © Translation William Drabkin. |
Footnotes1 Despite the use of the plural form Sonaten, Schenker is probably describing only one Bach sonata, Wotquenne 57/2 (Helm 247); it is the only one in Schenker's edition of 1902, which is in A minor, and its short (eight-bar) development section can be analyzed in that key. 2 Arnold Schoenberg, Harmonielehre (Vienna: Universal Edition, 1911). 3 Schenker inscribed diary entries for January–March 1912 initially in his first lessonbook, marked for later transfer to the diary. He omitted to transfer this entry, so the transfer has been made editorially. |