18. Halb bedeckt, heiß.
— Bloß einen Sprung ins Vermunttal; ½9–¾10h; Literatur zum 1. Satz der V. 1 fortgesetzt, Lie-Liechen schreibt. — {2366} Zwischen 5–6h auf dem Talweg; Tasso 2 begonnen. — Nach Tisch Gewitter mit Regen, zeitig zu Bette. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
18 Half overcast, hot.
— Merely [time] for a short excursion to the Vermunt Vally; 8:30–9:45; Continued secondary literature for the first movement of the "Fifth," 1 Lie-Liechen is writing. — {2366} Between 5:00 and 6:00 on the Talweg; Began Tasso. 2 — After lunch thunder with rain, early to bed. —© Translation Stephen Ferguson. |
18. Halb bedeckt, heiß.
— Bloß einen Sprung ins Vermunttal; ½9–¾10h; Literatur zum 1. Satz der V. 1 fortgesetzt, Lie-Liechen schreibt. — {2366} Zwischen 5–6h auf dem Talweg; Tasso 2 begonnen. — Nach Tisch Gewitter mit Regen, zeitig zu Bette. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
18 Half overcast, hot.
— Merely [time] for a short excursion to the Vermunt Vally; 8:30–9:45; Continued secondary literature for the first movement of the "Fifth," 1 Lie-Liechen is writing. — {2366} Between 5:00 and 6:00 on the Talweg; Began Tasso. 2 — After lunch thunder with rain, early to bed. —© Translation Stephen Ferguson. |
Footnotes1 "Literatur," appearing in "Beethoven V. Sinfonie (Fortsetzung)," in: Tonwille , Heft 5 (1922), 15–31; Eng. transl., vol. I, pp. 185–201. 2 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Torquato Tasso, play (Leipzig: G. J. Göschen 1790). |