19. +2°.
— Lie-Liechen zur Vermittlerin: es kommt eine, die nicht kochen will u. nur für ¾-Tage geht, dann eine ältere Frau: 3000 Kronen u. Reisegeld in den XVI. Bezirk; kommt Dienstag. — Von U. E. durch Boten op. 53 erbeten. 1 — Hoboken 5¼–¾8h; raucht allen Tabak auf, will aus Deutschland wegen hoher Steuern auswandern. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
19 +2°.
— Lie-Liechen to the [maids'] agent: one comes along who does not want to cook and can only work for three-quarters of a day, then an older woman: 3,000 Kronen plus her travel expenses to the 16th district; she will come on Tuesday. — From UE by messenger Op. 53 requested. 1 — Hoboken between 5:15 and 7:45; smokes all [my] tobacco, wishes to emigrate from Germany because the taxes are too high. —© Translation Stephen Ferguson. |
19. +2°.
— Lie-Liechen zur Vermittlerin: es kommt eine, die nicht kochen will u. nur für ¾-Tage geht, dann eine ältere Frau: 3000 Kronen u. Reisegeld in den XVI. Bezirk; kommt Dienstag. — Von U. E. durch Boten op. 53 erbeten. 1 — Hoboken 5¼–¾8h; raucht allen Tabak auf, will aus Deutschland wegen hoher Steuern auswandern. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
19 +2°.
— Lie-Liechen to the [maids'] agent: one comes along who does not want to cook and can only work for three-quarters of a day, then an older woman: 3,000 Kronen plus her travel expenses to the 16th district; she will come on Tuesday. — From UE by messenger Op. 53 requested. 1 — Hoboken between 5:15 and 7:45; smokes all [my] tobacco, wishes to emigrate from Germany because the taxes are too high. —© Translation Stephen Ferguson. |
Footnotes1 = OJ 52/294, November 18, 1921. |