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27. X.
Elias :

Fuge auswendig bis zum Modulationsteil; Var. 1–12 u. einige Stichproben auswendig aus der Rhapsodie. 1

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, ed. Ian Bent, 2007, 2022-23

November 27, [1912]
Elias :

Fugue from memory as far as the modulatory section; variations 1–12, and some spot tests of the Rhapsody from memory. 1

© Translation Ian Bent, 2022-23

27. X.
Elias :

Fuge auswendig bis zum Modulationsteil; Var. 1–12 u. einige Stichproben auswendig aus der Rhapsodie. 1

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, ed. Ian Bent, 2007, 2022-23

November 27, [1912]
Elias :

Fugue from memory as far as the modulatory section; variations 1–12, and some spot tests of the Rhapsody from memory. 1

© Translation Ian Bent, 2022-23


1 Schenker’s diary for this day records: “In front of Miss Elias, I deliberately invoke the name of Mittelmann, for whom she recently felt so much sympathy that she declared herself willing to help him. Since, in the meantime, I have effected an increase in her lesson fee, the philanthropic young lady is avoiding the name.”