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Deutsch :

[Klavierquartett] 1. u. 2. S.; vieles erleichtert, noch verständlicher gemacht u. für den Abend 1 praktikabel; die Entmaterialisirung 2 des 1. Satzes trotz Oktaven u. Accorden heller u. luftiger.

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, ed. Ian Bent, 2007, 2022-23

[April] 17, [1913]
Deutsch :

[Piano Quartet] , first and second movements; much has been alleviated, made still more comprehensible, and viable for the evening 1 ; the dematerializing 2 of the first movement despite octaves and chords lighter and airier.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2022-23

Deutsch :

[Klavierquartett] 1. u. 2. S.; vieles erleichtert, noch verständlicher gemacht u. für den Abend 1 praktikabel; die Entmaterialisirung 2 des 1. Satzes trotz Oktaven u. Accorden heller u. luftiger.

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, ed. Ian Bent, 2007, 2022-23

[April] 17, [1913]
Deutsch :

[Piano Quartet] , first and second movements; much has been alleviated, made still more comprehensible, and viable for the evening 1 ; the dematerializing 2 of the first movement despite octaves and chords lighter and airier.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2022-23


1 Presumably a forthcoming evening performance, most likely at Mrs. Deutsch’s own apartment.

2 “Entmaterialisirung”: a highly unusual, perhaps unique, usage for Schenker’s vocabulary. Cf. “Agnoscierung” on May 10 (Hupka).