OC 3/1-2: Oct 1912-Jun 1913 - Angi Elias: lesson: Saturday, May 31, 1913
31. Elias † : Liszt ganz u. genau; rep. Intermezzo, 1 einige Korrekturen; sehr schön Mazurka Asdur ; über die l. H. des Anfangs von a2; beinahe eine Ungenauigkeit zu vermuten, die auf die Anweisung des Autors zurückzuführen ist, a1 abzuschreiben. © Transcription Robert Kosovsky, ed. Ian Bent, 2007, 2022-23 |
[May] 31, [1913] Elias † : Liszt in its entirety and precise; revisited: Intermezzo, 1 a few corrections; Mazurka in Aę major very lovely; on the left hand at the beginning of a2; almost a conjecture as to an inaccuracy that leads back to the instruction by the composer to copy out a1. © Translation Ian Bent, 2022-23 |
31. Elias † : Liszt ganz u. genau; rep. Intermezzo, 1 einige Korrekturen; sehr schön Mazurka Asdur ; über die l. H. des Anfangs von a2; beinahe eine Ungenauigkeit zu vermuten, die auf die Anweisung des Autors zurückzuführen ist, a1 abzuschreiben. © Transcription Robert Kosovsky, ed. Ian Bent, 2007, 2022-23 |
[May] 31, [1913] Elias † : Liszt in its entirety and precise; revisited: Intermezzo, 1 a few corrections; Mazurka in Aę major very lovely; on the left hand at the beginning of a2; almost a conjecture as to an inaccuracy that leads back to the instruction by the composer to copy out a1. © Translation Ian Bent, 2022-23 |
Footnotes1 This is the second reference to an unidentified Intermezzo in Elias’s lesson notes. It appeared unidentified on May 28, and appears again on June 21, where it is identified as the Intermezzo in Bę minor, thus Op. 117, No.2. |
Format† Double underlined |