OC 3/2-3: Oct 1913-Jun 1914 - Sofie Deutsch: lesson: Monday October 27, 1913
27. X. Deutsch † : behufs öffentlicher Vorführung rep. Klarinetten-Trio v. Brahms; Vortragsanweisungen zum 1. Satz, bei welcher Gelegenheit sich herausstellt, daß sie die, allerdings nach mir selbst eingeschriebene Analyse ganz u. gar nicht inne hatte. Also erst aus Anlaß des Studiums wurde ihr die Analyse lebendiger. © Transcription Robert Kosovsky, 2007, 2020 |
October 27, [1913] Deutsch † : With a view to public performance, revisits the Clarinet Trio by Brahms; performance suggestions for the first movement, in the course of which it became apparent that she has not remotely absorbed the analysis that she herself wrote down followng my guidance. So, not until we got down to studying [the movement] did the analysis come alive to her. © Translation Ian Bent, 2020 |
27. X. Deutsch † : behufs öffentlicher Vorführung rep. Klarinetten-Trio v. Brahms; Vortragsanweisungen zum 1. Satz, bei welcher Gelegenheit sich herausstellt, daß sie die, allerdings nach mir selbst eingeschriebene Analyse ganz u. gar nicht inne hatte. Also erst aus Anlaß des Studiums wurde ihr die Analyse lebendiger. © Transcription Robert Kosovsky, 2007, 2020 |
October 27, [1913] Deutsch † : With a view to public performance, revisits the Clarinet Trio by Brahms; performance suggestions for the first movement, in the course of which it became apparent that she has not remotely absorbed the analysis that she herself wrote down followng my guidance. So, not until we got down to studying [the movement] did the analysis come alive to her. © Translation Ian Bent, 2020 |
Format† Double underlined |