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Elias :

Ueber die Cantaten vom Standpunkt des {66} Vortrages; besonders über den Fehler der Altistin, die beinahe jedem Ton mit gleichem Ausdruck sang, und über den Baßisten, der den Taktstrich offenbar für die höchste Offenbarung des Autors hielt. 1

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, 2007, 2020

[April] 6, [1914]
Elias :

On the cantatas from the standpoint of {66} performance; especially about the error of the contralto, who sang very nearly every note with identical expression, and about the bass, who clearly regarded the barline as the highest manifestation of the composer. 1

© Translation Ian Bent, 2020

Elias :

Ueber die Cantaten vom Standpunkt des {66} Vortrages; besonders über den Fehler der Altistin, die beinahe jedem Ton mit gleichem Ausdruck sang, und über den Baßisten, der den Taktstrich offenbar für die höchste Offenbarung des Autors hielt. 1

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, 2007, 2020

[April] 6, [1914]
Elias :

On the cantatas from the standpoint of {66} performance; especially about the error of the contralto, who sang very nearly every note with identical expression, and about the bass, who clearly regarded the barline as the highest manifestation of the composer. 1

© Translation Ian Bent, 2020


1 Schenker’s diary records his attendance (at the invitation of Moriz Violin) of a rehearsal of five Bach cantatas in the Konzerthaus under Siegfried Ochs. The alto was Charles Cahier and the bass Cornelius Bronsgeest. For the full report see April 4.