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  • Cello Sonata in G minor, Op. 65


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  • OJ 14/45, [68] Handwritten letter from Violin to Schenker, dated November 13, 1927

    Violin thanks Schenker for sending him the second volume of Meisterwerk, which he regards as a milestone in offering the strongest statement of his theories. He is accompanying a cellist in early January and will not be able to get to Vienna at Christmas after all. His wife and son – who is now able to get up and around – are hoping to go to Vienna at Easter.

  • OJ 14/45, [69] Handwritten letter from Violin to Schenker, dated December 27, 1927

    Violin reports that his concert (cello recital) has been put back a week because of a tendon problem in his left hand. He owes Otto Vrieslander a response to his recent written work, but he feels that Vrieslander does not truly understand Schenker's cause, does not have the same "orientation" towards it as he, and expresses himself poorly. (Weisse, he says, could have done things better.) However, all this pettiness is nothing compared with the achievement of Meisterwerk 2, and of the "crowning" work that will soon follow.