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Private school of music, founded in 1867 by Eduard Horak (1838-92).

Horak established the school initially in his own home, following the principles of two great educationalists, Johann Pestalozzi and Adolph Diesterwegs. The school soon moved to separate premises at Vienna IV, Heumühlgasse 4. By 1892 it had three additional premises: Vienna I, Schulhof 4, Vienna II, Asperngasse 1, Vienna VI, Magdalenenstraße 58, and comprised schools of piano, song, and organ. In the later 19th century, its teaching faculty included Ignaz Brüll (1872-78), Hermann Graedener (1873-), Rudolf Weinwurm, Theodor Helm (1874-), and Alfred Grünfeld.

After Horak's death in 1892, the school was directed by Franz Brixel, his successor being Friedrich Spigl, who directed it until 1935, classes being added for strings and opera. The school contracted sharply during the depression. In 1941 it became the Horak Konservatorium und Musikschulen, located at Vienna I, Hegelgasse. In 1979/80, it changed its name to Franz Schubert-Konservatorium.

There is no known correspondence between the Horak Musikschule and Schenker.


  • oeML Online
  • NGDM2
  • MGG
  • Heuberger, Richard, ed., Musikbuch aus Oesterreich (Vienna: Hof-Buchdruckerei, 1905)

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