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German music teacher and composer.

Schmid was trained as a school teacher, with specialty in music, at the Esslingen and Nürtingen teachers' colleges (1890‒95). He held various teaching posts in the Stuttgart region from 1895‒1903 before meeting August Halm and following him to Hermann Lietz's Haubinda country boarding school. There, he taught with and learned from Halm for three months. After a sabbatical to advance his music studies, he held several more teaching posts, beginning in 1906, before taking a position at the Nagold teachers' college in 1912, from which he retired in March, 1938.

Schmid corresponded regularly with Halm from 1903 until Halm's death in 1929, and modeled his teaching and compositions on Halm's example.


  • Lee Rothfarb

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  • OJ 11/35, 19 Handwritten letter from Halm to Schenker, dated July 28, 1921

    Halm discusses an "intended gift," and the merits of Matthäus Hentz and K. T. Schmid to receive it. Halm reports that he has moved from Esslingen to Wickersdorf, and that his Concerto for Large Orchestra has been performed by Fritz Busch in Stuttgart, and comments on Cotta's hand-over of Kontrapunkt.
