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English music historian specializing in the music of J. S. Bach and J. C. Bach. Terry was a lecturer first at the Durham College of Science from 1890, and then at the University of Aberdeen from 1898, where he was made professor in 1903, retiring in 1930.

Terry published a biography of J. S. Bach (1929) and several studies of individual works and groups of works by Bach, and also Bach's Orchestra (1932), and produced editions of the four-part chorals and the "Coffee Cantata."

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  • OJ 11/54, [15] Handwritten letter from van Hoboken to Schenker, dated August 28, 1927

    Hoboken reports on meeting with Furtwängler regarding the Photogrammarchiv, and expresses the hope that it will be possible to interest Furtwängler in performance according to the sources in the Archive; he encloses the final version of the "Aufruf" for the Archive, and discusses negotiations with the Austrian National Library and Ministry of Education. — Comments on Oppel's plan to teach in Leipzig. — Agrees to Schenker's lesson plan and fee for 1927/28. — Describes his travel plans, which include meetings with Louis Koch in Frankurt, Ludwig Schiedermair in Bonn, contact with John Petrie Dunn in England, C. S. Terry in Scotland, and Maurice Cauchie in Paris, and photographing [of sources] at the [Paris] Conservatory.

  • OJ 11/54, [18] Handwritten letter from van Hoboken to Schenker, dated September 18, 1927

    Van Hoboken reports on his visit to John Petrie Dunn: his career, his grasp of Schenker's theory, his situation at Edinburgh University, his publications. — Tomorrow he is to visit C. S. Terry.