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OJ 9/34, [11] Handwritten letter from Cube to Schenker, dated April 24, 1928
Cube describes difficulties with his colleagues, loss of pupils, and reactions to his lecture; Scheuermann and Schmemann will put Schenker exhibits in their shop windows, items requested; inquires after Weisse journal plan.
OJ 5/18, 59 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Jonas, dated October 16, 1934
Schenker cautions Jonas that he detects "something afoot" with Hoboken and his wife. — Mentions Hans Wolf's reentry problems and reports on German students coming to him. —An article on Schenker has been included in Spanish Enciclopedia universale. —Reports on Zuckerkandl, Breisach, von Cube, and Weisse.
OJ 5/7a, [51] (formerly vC 51) Handwritten letter from Schenker to Cube, dated October 26, 1934
Acknowledges OC 9/34, [42], and its contents; comments on the "youth of today" – organic connection is the best thing for them; asks publisher of Schäfke book. Once Der freie Satz is in print, he will give his mind to the continuation of the Urlinie-Tafeln. Schenker's name is included in the Spanish Enciclicopedia universale.
Diary entry by Schenker for 13 April 1927
Diary entry by Schenker for 6 October 1934
OC 3/1-2: Oct 1912-Jun 1913 Evelina Pairamall: lesson: Wednesday, April 30, 1913
OC 3/1-2: Oct 1912-Jun 1913 Evelina Pairamall: lesson: Wednesday, May 21, 1913