Full text search of German original and English translation

About searching:

  • searches are case-insensitive - bakery finds bakery and Bakery
  • searches find closely related words - bakery finds bakery and bakeries
  • use quote marks to find words together - "railway station" finds just railway station while railway station finds instances of railway and station
  • add tilde (~) and number to specify desired proximity - "errors copy"~5 finds errors and copy within 5 words of each other

Searched for etüden (1 result found)

Filter: diaries: 1

Term language filter: de: 1

Downloads temporarily removed for testing purposes

  • Diary entry for 1932-06-08

    ... wird am 1. X. die $ 50 schicken, er, Hans, stehe gut dafür; „ideale Menschen“. Weisse bestellt (für seine Zwecke) alle Etüden von Chopin, noch besser fünf Intermezzi von Brahms, der in Amerika sehr gefeiert wird. That is, Weisse is asking Schenker to ...

Pages: 1