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[rubber stamp: ]18. I. 34.

Sehr geehrter Herr! 1

für die freundliche Übersendung Ihrer „Urtext“-Ausgabe der J. S. Bach-Inventionen 2 sage ich Ihnen meinen herzlichsten Dank!

[signed:] H Schenker

Wien, III, Keilgasse 8
16. 1. 34

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2011

[rubber stamp: ]18. I. 34.

Dear Sir, 1

I give you my most cordial thanks for kindly sending your "Urtext" Edition of the J. S. Bach Inventions. 2

Very truly,
[signed:] H. Schenker

Vienna III, Keilgasse 8
January 16, 1934

© Translation Ian Bent, 2011

[rubber stamp: ]18. I. 34.

Sehr geehrter Herr! 1

für die freundliche Übersendung Ihrer „Urtext“-Ausgabe der J. S. Bach-Inventionen 2 sage ich Ihnen meinen herzlichsten Dank!

[signed:] H Schenker

Wien, III, Keilgasse 8
16. 1. 34

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2011

[rubber stamp: ]18. I. 34.

Dear Sir, 1

I give you my most cordial thanks for kindly sending your "Urtext" Edition of the J. S. Bach Inventions. 2

Very truly,
[signed:] H. Schenker

Vienna III, Keilgasse 8
January 16, 1934

© Translation Ian Bent, 2011


1 The sequence of writing and sending this letter is recorded as follows in Schenker's diary: OJ 4/7, p. 3890, January 14, 1934: "An Landshoff (Br. durch Peters): Dank." ("To Landshoff (letter via Peters): thanks."); p. 3891, January 16: "An Jonas (K.): Adresse von Landshoff(?)" ("To Jonas (postcard): Landshoff's address(?)") [=OJ 5/18, 35]; p. 3891, January 18: "Brief an Landshoff über Peters geschickt." ("Letter to Landshoff sent via Peters."); p. 3891, January 20: "Von Jonas (K): Landshoffs Adresse[:] war in Hamburg nur zu Besuch." ("From Jonas (postcard): Landshoff's address[:] was in Hamburg, just for a visit.").— Jonas had previously written to Schenker on December 10, 1933 (OJ 12/6, [26]), asking if Schenker had seen "die neue Ausgabe der „Inventionen“ von Landshoff mit Rev. Ber." ("the new edition of the 'Inventions' by Landshoff with critical report"). — Eight months later, Jonas wrote to Schenker (OC 44/21, September 18, 1934): "Von Landshoff kam ein langer Brief, worin er sich bedankt, um einen für ihn vielleicht leichteren Zugang zu Sch. gefunden zu haben." ("A long letter arrived from Landshoff in which he expresses thanks at having found an approach to Schenker that is perhaps easier for him."). With thanks for private communications from Michael Kassler, Darwin F. Scott, and Don C. Skemer.

2 Johann Sebastian Bach. Die 15 zweistimmigen Inventionen und die 15 dreistimmigen Sinfonien im Urtext. Herausgegeben von Ludwig Landshoff. Mit Anhang: Bemerkungen zum Vortrag und Revisionsbericht (Leipzig: C. F. Peters, 1933). This work does not survive among Schenker's papers in either OC or OJ. Much of Schenker's sheet music was sold by Antiquariat Heinrich Hinterberger c. 1936: the catalog for that sale, which was in the form of a card index, has not been traced despite extensive inquiries.


Ludwig Landshoff (1934-41)--heirs of Ludwig Landshoff (1941-19??)--Hermann Baron, London (19??-c.1975)--Jamie and Michael Kassler (c.1975-)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker, deemed to be in the public domain
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Permission to publish granted by the document owners, Jamie and Michael Kassler (Collection of Jamie and Michael Kassler, Northbridge NSW, Australia), September 1, 2011. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk.
1p letter, Bogen format, holograph message and signature, rubber date-stamp; paper watermarked "Original Myrtle Mill" (Vienna, by Pollak & Söhne)

Digital version created: 2011-11-11
Last updated: 2011-11-11