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Lieber Herr Doctor! 1

ich habe Sie schon einigemale sowohl im Caféhause als auch in Ihrer Wohnung aufgesucht, nur zu hören, wie denn die Sache steht. Haben Sie Busoni die Noten schon geschickt? 2 Was hat er geantwortet? Wann sind Sie gewöhnlich im Caféhaus? Oder zu Hause?

Besten Gruß,
[signed:] Arnold Schönberg

IX. Liechtensteinstraße 68/70

© Transcription Arnold Whittall, 2011

I have already looked for you several times at the coffee-house as well as at your home, to find out how things stand. Have you already sent the material to Busoni? 2 How has he responded? When are you usually in the coffee-house? Or at home?

Best greetings,
[signed:] Arnold Schönberg

[Vienna] IX, Liechtensteinstraße 68/70

© Translation Arnold Whittall, 2011

Lieber Herr Doctor! 1

ich habe Sie schon einigemale sowohl im Caféhause als auch in Ihrer Wohnung aufgesucht, nur zu hören, wie denn die Sache steht. Haben Sie Busoni die Noten schon geschickt? 2 Was hat er geantwortet? Wann sind Sie gewöhnlich im Caféhaus? Oder zu Hause?

Besten Gruß,
[signed:] Arnold Schönberg

IX. Liechtensteinstraße 68/70

© Transcription Arnold Whittall, 2011

I have already looked for you several times at the coffee-house as well as at your home, to find out how things stand. Have you already sent the material to Busoni? 2 How has he responded? When are you usually in the coffee-house? Or at home?

Best greetings,
[signed:] Arnold Schönberg

[Vienna] IX, Liechtensteinstraße 68/70

© Translation Arnold Whittall, 2011


1 Receipt of this letter is not recorded in Schenker's diary. The document number adopted here is that assigned in Charlotte E. Erwin and Bryan R. Simms, "Schoenberg's Correspondence with Heinrich Schenker," Journal of the Arnold Schoenberg Institute v (1981), 23–43. The document from which this edition was made is a photocopy; the whereabouts of the original is not known. An annotation at the foot of the photocopy in another hand (that of Oswald Jonas?) reads "13. 10. 1903", and it is on the basis of this that the editorial dating is made.

2 Schenker records in his diary at OJ 1/3, p. 10, October 7–9, 1903: "Orchesterstimmen der „Syrischen Tänze“ für Busoni's Abend in Berlin corrigiert." ("Orchestral parts for the Syrian Dances for Busoni's evening [concert] in Berlin corrected.").


1p letter, holograph message and signature, photocopy, with annotation at bottom in another hand
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1945)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1945-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Heirs of Arnold Schoenberg, published by kind permission
Permission to publish granted by the author's son, Mr. Lawrence Schoenberg, January 2, 2011. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk.

Digital version created: 2011-09-14
Last updated: 2011-09-14