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OJ 15/12, [A] - Handwritten calling card from Weinberger to Schenker[?], undated
Bitte freundl. zur Kenntnis zu nehmen, daß die mir genannten [?Lieder]-Compositionen bis zur Stunde bei Simrock noch nicht erschienen sind, resp. in den Nova Listen noch nicht enthalten sind; ich {recto} habe Auftrag gegeben mir dieselben nach Erscheinen sogleich zu liefern, und werde dann gewiß nicht versäumen zu berichten. ganz ergebenster [unsigned] ⇧ Josef Weinberger Präsident der Gesellschaft der Autoren Componisten u. Musik-Verleger 2 Musikalien-Verleger Leipzig [—] Wien [—] Paris Querstrasse 13 [—] Kohlmarkt 8 3 [—] 40 Boulevard Haussmann © Transcription Ian Bent, 2004, 2016 |
Please be apprised that as of this moment the [?song] compositions that I was told about have not yet been published by Simrock, nor are they included in the list of new publications. I {recto} have given instructions for them to be sent to me the moment they appear, and will then be sure to let [you] know. [Your] most devoted, [unsigned] ⇧ Josef Weinberger President of the Society of Authors, Composers, and Music Publishers 2 Sheet Music Publisher Leipzig [—] Vienna [—] Paris Querstrasse 13 [—] Kohlmarkt 8 3 [—] 40 Boulevard Haussmann © Translation Ian Bent, 2004, 2016 |
Bitte freundl. zur Kenntnis zu nehmen, daß die mir genannten [?Lieder]-Compositionen bis zur Stunde bei Simrock noch nicht erschienen sind, resp. in den Nova Listen noch nicht enthalten sind; ich {recto} habe Auftrag gegeben mir dieselben nach Erscheinen sogleich zu liefern, und werde dann gewiß nicht versäumen zu berichten. ganz ergebenster [unsigned] ⇧ Josef Weinberger Präsident der Gesellschaft der Autoren Componisten u. Musik-Verleger 2 Musikalien-Verleger Leipzig [—] Wien [—] Paris Querstrasse 13 [—] Kohlmarkt 8 3 [—] 40 Boulevard Haussmann © Transcription Ian Bent, 2004, 2016 |
Please be apprised that as of this moment the [?song] compositions that I was told about have not yet been published by Simrock, nor are they included in the list of new publications. I {recto} have given instructions for them to be sent to me the moment they appear, and will then be sure to let [you] know. [Your] most devoted, [unsigned] ⇧ Josef Weinberger President of the Society of Authors, Composers, and Music Publishers 2 Sheet Music Publisher Leipzig [—] Vienna [—] Paris Querstrasse 13 [—] Kohlmarkt 8 3 [—] 40 Boulevard Haussmann © Translation Ian Bent, 2004, 2016 |
Footnotes1 It is presumed here that "Director" is an error for "Doctor," as with OJ 15/12, [B]. It could, however, be addessed to someone else and have found its way into Schenker's correspondence files. 2 Founded 1897 by Weinberger. At its inaugural meeting on December 5, 1897 Weinberger was made its President. 3 The Weinberger company moved from Kohlmarkt 8 to Maximilianstraße 11 at about the turn of the century, so this calling card can be dated roughly to 1898 or 1899. |
Digital version created: 2016-02-14 |