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Sehr verehrter Herr Director [sic] ! 1

Bitte freundl. zur Kenntnis zu nehmen, daß die mir genannten [?Lieder]-Compositionen bis zur Stunde bei Simrock noch nicht erschienen sind, resp. in den Nova Listen noch nicht enthalten sind; ich {recto} habe Auftrag gegeben mir dieselben nach Erscheinen sogleich zu liefern, und werde dann gewiß nicht versäumen zu berichten.

ganz ergebenster

Josef Weinberger
Präsident der Gesellschaft der Autoren Componisten
u. Musik-Verleger 2
Leipzig [—] Wien [—] Paris
Querstrasse 13 [—] Kohlmarkt 8 3 [—] 40 Boulevard Haussmann

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2004, 2016


Dear Director [sic] , 1

Please be apprised that as of this moment the [?song] compositions that I was told about have not yet been published by Simrock, nor are they included in the list of new publications. I {recto} have given instructions for them to be sent to me the moment they appear, and will then be sure to let [you] know.

[Your] most devoted,

Josef Weinberger
President of the Society of Authors, Composers,
and Music Publishers 2
Sheet Music Publisher
Leipzig [—] Vienna [—] Paris
Querstrasse 13 [—] Kohlmarkt 8 3 [—] 40 Boulevard Haussmann

© Translation Ian Bent, 2004, 2016


Sehr verehrter Herr Director [sic] ! 1

Bitte freundl. zur Kenntnis zu nehmen, daß die mir genannten [?Lieder]-Compositionen bis zur Stunde bei Simrock noch nicht erschienen sind, resp. in den Nova Listen noch nicht enthalten sind; ich {recto} habe Auftrag gegeben mir dieselben nach Erscheinen sogleich zu liefern, und werde dann gewiß nicht versäumen zu berichten.

ganz ergebenster

Josef Weinberger
Präsident der Gesellschaft der Autoren Componisten
u. Musik-Verleger 2
Leipzig [—] Wien [—] Paris
Querstrasse 13 [—] Kohlmarkt 8 3 [—] 40 Boulevard Haussmann

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2004, 2016


Dear Director [sic] , 1

Please be apprised that as of this moment the [?song] compositions that I was told about have not yet been published by Simrock, nor are they included in the list of new publications. I {recto} have given instructions for them to be sent to me the moment they appear, and will then be sure to let [you] know.

[Your] most devoted,

Josef Weinberger
President of the Society of Authors, Composers,
and Music Publishers 2
Sheet Music Publisher
Leipzig [—] Vienna [—] Paris
Querstrasse 13 [—] Kohlmarkt 8 3 [—] 40 Boulevard Haussmann

© Translation Ian Bent, 2004, 2016


1 It is presumed here that "Director" is an error for "Doctor," as with OJ 15/12, [B]. It could, however, be addessed to someone else and have found its way into Schenker's correspondence files.

2 Founded 1897 by Weinberger. At its inaugural meeting on December 5, 1897 Weinberger was made its President.

3 The Weinberger company moved from Kohlmarkt 8 to Maximilianstraße 11 at about the turn of the century, so this calling card can be dated roughly to 1898 or 1899.


Rights Holder
Heirs or representatives of Josef Weinberger, deemed to be in he public domain
Every effort has been made to establish the rights to this document. It is deemed to be in the public domain. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus[dot]cam.[dot]ac[dot]uk
calling card: printed sender name and address, holograph message-continuation (no signature) recto; holograph message-beginning verso
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1945)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1945-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)

Digital version created: 2016-02-14
Last updated: 2010-02-07