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[An:] Herrn Prof. Heinrich Schenker
Wien III.
8 Keilgasse 8 [sic]

[postmark:] || HAMBURG | 4.[I].34 | 1 a ||
[For continuation of recto see below]

[all written sideways:]
Hbg. 4. I.

Sehr geehrter Herr Prof. Schenker! 1

Mein Hamburger Aufenthalt war kurz aber schön u. leider ist die Zeit zuende. Wenn nichts dazwischen kommt, sitz[e] ich programmgemäß am Montag 2 wieder bei Ihnen auf dem schwarzen Stuhl am Klavier.

Ich hoffe, daß Sie u. Ihre verehrte Frau Gemahlin sehr gut in’s neue Jahr gekommen sind u. bin

mit den besten Grüßen
Ihr sehr ergebener
[signed:] Hans Wolf

{recto} Meine Eltern lassen herzlich grüßen.

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2006, 2022


[To:] Prof. Heinrich Schenker
Vienna III
8 Keilgasse 8 [sic]

[postmark:] || HAMBURG | 4.[I].34 | 1 a ||
[For continuation of recto see below]

[all written sideways:]
Hbg., January 4

Dear Professor Schenker, 1

My Hamburg stay was short but delightful, and the time is sadly at an end. If nothing intervenes, I shall again be sitting on the black stool at the piano at your apartment according to plan on Monday. 2

I hope that you and your wife saw the New Year in well, and remain,

with best wishes,
Your very devoted
[signed:] Hans Wolf

{recto} My parents send cordial greetings.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2006, 2022


[An:] Herrn Prof. Heinrich Schenker
Wien III.
8 Keilgasse 8 [sic]

[postmark:] || HAMBURG | 4.[I].34 | 1 a ||
[For continuation of recto see below]

[all written sideways:]
Hbg. 4. I.

Sehr geehrter Herr Prof. Schenker! 1

Mein Hamburger Aufenthalt war kurz aber schön u. leider ist die Zeit zuende. Wenn nichts dazwischen kommt, sitz[e] ich programmgemäß am Montag 2 wieder bei Ihnen auf dem schwarzen Stuhl am Klavier.

Ich hoffe, daß Sie u. Ihre verehrte Frau Gemahlin sehr gut in’s neue Jahr gekommen sind u. bin

mit den besten Grüßen
Ihr sehr ergebener
[signed:] Hans Wolf

{recto} Meine Eltern lassen herzlich grüßen.

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2006, 2022


[To:] Prof. Heinrich Schenker
Vienna III
8 Keilgasse 8 [sic]

[postmark:] || HAMBURG | 4.[I].34 | 1 a ||
[For continuation of recto see below]

[all written sideways:]
Hbg., January 4

Dear Professor Schenker, 1

My Hamburg stay was short but delightful, and the time is sadly at an end. If nothing intervenes, I shall again be sitting on the black stool at the piano at your apartment according to plan on Monday. 2

I hope that you and your wife saw the New Year in well, and remain,

with best wishes,
Your very devoted
[signed:] Hans Wolf

{recto} My parents send cordial greetings.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2006, 2022


1 Receipt of this postcard is not recorded in Schenker’s diary.

2 Monday was January 8. No notes for Wolf are included in the lessonbooks and notes in the Oster Collection, but Schenker’s diary for that date records: “Wolf ist wieder angetreten, ist für meinen Plan den Generalbaß betreffend zu haben – legt Fragen von Cube vor!?!” (“Wolf has again stepped into line, is agreed to my plan concerning thoroughbass – presents questions from Cube!?!”). — Cf. OC 44/45, August 28, 1934.


Printed postcard: holograph recipient address and postscript, recto; holograph salutation, message, valediction, and signature, verso
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1955)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1955-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978-)
Rights Holder
Heirs to Hans Wolf, published here by kind permission
Permission to publish kindly granted by the sister of Hans Wolf on December 3, 2006. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk

Digital version created: 2022-04-18
Last updated: 2011-06-09