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[printed letterhead:]
Dr. Seidenberger
Fernsprecher Nr. 21893
Postcheck-Konto 4350

MŰNCHEN, den 13. März 1928.
Briannerstr. 55|II.

Herrn Anton van Hoboken,
Wien IV,
Wiedner-Hauptstrasse 63.

Sehr geehrter Herr!

Ich 1 erhalte von dem Anwalt des Fräulein Müschenborn 2 den abschriftlich umstehenden Brief. Mir scheint, dass unsere Taktik doch richtig war. Ich bitte um Vorschläge, was ich nach Ihrer Meinung antworten soll.

[signed:] Dr. Seidenberger
[signed:] Justizrat.

© Transcription John Rothgeb, 2009

[printed letterhead:]
Dr. Seidenberger
Attorney at Law
Telephone No. 21893
Account No. 4350

MUNICH, March 13, 1928.
Briannerstraße 55|II.

Mr. Anton van Hoboken,
Vienna IV,
Wiedner-Hauptstrasse 63.

Dear Sir,

I 1 have received from Miss Müschenborn's 2 attorney the letter copied on the reverse. It appears to me that our tactic was correct after all. Please send suggestions as to what in your opinion I should answer.

With kind regards,
Yours most truly,
[signed:] Dr. Seidenberger
[signed:] Counsellor of Justice

© Translation John Rothgeb, 2009

[printed letterhead:]
Dr. Seidenberger
Fernsprecher Nr. 21893
Postcheck-Konto 4350

MŰNCHEN, den 13. März 1928.
Briannerstr. 55|II.

Herrn Anton van Hoboken,
Wien IV,
Wiedner-Hauptstrasse 63.

Sehr geehrter Herr!

Ich 1 erhalte von dem Anwalt des Fräulein Müschenborn 2 den abschriftlich umstehenden Brief. Mir scheint, dass unsere Taktik doch richtig war. Ich bitte um Vorschläge, was ich nach Ihrer Meinung antworten soll.

[signed:] Dr. Seidenberger
[signed:] Justizrat.

© Transcription John Rothgeb, 2009

[printed letterhead:]
Dr. Seidenberger
Attorney at Law
Telephone No. 21893
Account No. 4350

MUNICH, March 13, 1928.
Briannerstraße 55|II.

Mr. Anton van Hoboken,
Vienna IV,
Wiedner-Hauptstrasse 63.

Dear Sir,

I 1 have received from Miss Müschenborn's 2 attorney the letter copied on the reverse. It appears to me that our tactic was correct after all. Please send suggestions as to what in your opinion I should answer.

With kind regards,
Yours most truly,
[signed:] Dr. Seidenberger
[signed:] Counsellor of Justice

© Translation John Rothgeb, 2009


1 There is no reference to this letter in Schenker's diary, since presumably Schenker never saw it.

2 Nothing is known of Frl. Müschenborn.


Rights Holder
IPR: Heirs or representatives of Dr. Seidenberg
1p letter, carbon copy, typed message, unsigned
Hoboken, Anthony van ([document date]-1983)--Schneider, Hans(19??-2007)--University of California, Riverside (2007--)
Rights Holder
IPR: Heirs of Henrich Schenker, deemed to be in the public domain.
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk.

Digital version created: 2009-06-22
Last updated: 2011-04-07