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Die Polizei sendet ein nach eigenem Wunsche verschlossenes Meldezettel-Couvert – eröffnet wieder zurück u. macht so die eigene Einrichtung selbst zunichte!


Dr. Groß rät den Geldprozess anzustrengen u. versichert im Brief, daß er Chançen habe, schreibt aber gleichzeitig an den Collegen Glässner, daß die Hauptforderungen völlig aussichtslos sind. Dr. Glässner aber, der darüber staunt, versichert seinerseits, daß die kleineren Forderungen durchzubringen sind.


© Transcription Marko Deisinger.


The police return – opened – an envelope with a registration certificate that had been sealed at their request; and by their action they invalidate their own organization!


Dr. Groß advises pursuing the financial litigation, and assures me in his letter that his chances are good; at the same time, however, he writes to his colleague Glässner that the main demand is an utterly lost cause. But Dr. Glässner, who is astonished by this, assures me for his part that the lesser demands will be seen through.


© Translation William Drabkin.


Die Polizei sendet ein nach eigenem Wunsche verschlossenes Meldezettel-Couvert – eröffnet wieder zurück u. macht so die eigene Einrichtung selbst zunichte!


Dr. Groß rät den Geldprozess anzustrengen u. versichert im Brief, daß er Chançen habe, schreibt aber gleichzeitig an den Collegen Glässner, daß die Hauptforderungen völlig aussichtslos sind. Dr. Glässner aber, der darüber staunt, versichert seinerseits, daß die kleineren Forderungen durchzubringen sind.


© Transcription Marko Deisinger.


The police return – opened – an envelope with a registration certificate that had been sealed at their request; and by their action they invalidate their own organization!


Dr. Groß advises pursuing the financial litigation, and assures me in his letter that his chances are good; at the same time, however, he writes to his colleague Glässner that the main demand is an utterly lost cause. But Dr. Glässner, who is astonished by this, assures me for his part that the lesser demands will be seen through.


© Translation William Drabkin.