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31. +14°, schön.

— Einen Sprung ins Freie, 15 Min. — Von Prof. Pollak zwei Konzertkarten. — Am Vermischten. 1 — Nach der Jause im Opern-Kino „Goldrausch“ von Chaplin. 2 Voll Poesie, leider auch viel Entgegenkommen an das Kino-Publikum. Ich nannte es eine Hagada 3 des Wilnaer Judenbuben. Wer Jüdisches kennt, merkt die durchschlagende Kraft in der Erzählung u. Form, die Mischung von Stolz, Feigheit, Rührseligkeit u. Güte, Verzweiflung am Leben u. Kraft, das Leben zu bezwingen.

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

31. +14°, fair weather.

— A 15-minute walk outdoors. — From Prof. Pollak two concert tickets. — Work on the "Miscellanea." 1 — After teatime, Chaplin's 2 The Gold Rush at the Opera movie house . Full of poetry, unfortunately also much accommodation to move audiences. I called it a Haggadah 3 of the Jewish boy from Vilnius. Anyone who recognizes Jewishness will observe the decisive power in the narration and form, the mixture of pride, cowardice, sentimentality and goodness, the despair of life, and the power to overcome [the difficulties of] life.

© Translation William Drabkin.

31. +14°, schön.

— Einen Sprung ins Freie, 15 Min. — Von Prof. Pollak zwei Konzertkarten. — Am Vermischten. 1 — Nach der Jause im Opern-Kino „Goldrausch“ von Chaplin. 2 Voll Poesie, leider auch viel Entgegenkommen an das Kino-Publikum. Ich nannte es eine Hagada 3 des Wilnaer Judenbuben. Wer Jüdisches kennt, merkt die durchschlagende Kraft in der Erzählung u. Form, die Mischung von Stolz, Feigheit, Rührseligkeit u. Güte, Verzweiflung am Leben u. Kraft, das Leben zu bezwingen.

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

31. +14°, fair weather.

— A 15-minute walk outdoors. — From Prof. Pollak two concert tickets. — Work on the "Miscellanea." 1 — After teatime, Chaplin's 2 The Gold Rush at the Opera movie house . Full of poetry, unfortunately also much accommodation to move audiences. I called it a Haggadah 3 of the Jewish boy from Vilnius. Anyone who recognizes Jewishness will observe the decisive power in the narration and form, the mixture of pride, cowardice, sentimentality and goodness, the despair of life, and the power to overcome [the difficulties of] life.

© Translation William Drabkin.


1 Schenker, "Vermischtes," Meisterwerk 2, pp. 199‒216; Eng. transl., pp. 121‒31.

2 Although critics have often commented on the Jewish character of Chaplin's films, which Schenker keenly observes here, Chaplin was neither Jewish nor an immigrant from eastern Europe. He was born in London into English Christian family.

3 Haggadah: a Jewish religious text that sets out the order of the Seder, a feast that marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover.