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4. August 1926 Nebel.

— An Oppel (Ansichtsk.); an Halm (Ansichtsk.): ob sie das Jahrbuch schon erhalten haben. — An Dr. Baumgarten (Ansichtsk.): Dank für den Rosenthal 1 -Aufsatz; an seinem eigenen Leib mag er nun ermessen, wie unvereinbar meine Lehre u. die Welt sind. — Von Frl. Elias (Ansichtsk.): Adresse. — Von Meinl Cafe: 4.90 Schillinge.

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

August 4, 1926, fog.

— To Oppel (picture postcard); to Halm (picture postcard): [I ask] whether they have yet received the Yearbook . — To Dr. Baumgarten (picture postcard): thanks for the article by Rosenthal; 1 he can gauge in his own heart how incompatible my theory and the world is. — From Miss Elias (picture postcard): address. — From Meinl, coffee: 4.90 shillings.

© Translation William Drabkin.

4. August 1926 Nebel.

— An Oppel (Ansichtsk.); an Halm (Ansichtsk.): ob sie das Jahrbuch schon erhalten haben. — An Dr. Baumgarten (Ansichtsk.): Dank für den Rosenthal 1 -Aufsatz; an seinem eigenen Leib mag er nun ermessen, wie unvereinbar meine Lehre u. die Welt sind. — Von Frl. Elias (Ansichtsk.): Adresse. — Von Meinl Cafe: 4.90 Schillinge.

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

August 4, 1926, fog.

— To Oppel (picture postcard); to Halm (picture postcard): [I ask] whether they have yet received the Yearbook . — To Dr. Baumgarten (picture postcard): thanks for the article by Rosenthal; 1 he can gauge in his own heart how incompatible my theory and the world is. — From Miss Elias (picture postcard): address. — From Meinl, coffee: 4.90 shillings.

© Translation William Drabkin.


1 Perhaps the article "Liszt und Wien" by the pianist Moriz Rosenthal (who had been a pupil of Liszt's), a clipping of which is preserved at OC C/308-09 (undated).