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9. -2°, Schneefall!

— Von Weisse (Br.): schlechtere Verhältnisse auch in Amerika; er möchte mit dem Uebersetzer verbunden sein wegen Einheitlichkeit der termini [sic]; hält Kurse an der Universität ab. — Korrektur des Vorworts zur Quintenstudie. — Nach der Jause Wege. — Eine Patiençe in zwei Legen bei freundlichem Konzert {3797} des „Heimatschutzbundes“. 1

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

9, -2°, snowfall!

— From Weisse (letter): financial circumstances are also very bad in America; he would like to make contact with the translator with regard to uniformity of terminology; he is giving courses at the University. — Corrections to the foreword to the study of fifths . — After teatime, errands. — A game of solitaire completed in two rounds, during a pleasant concert {3797} of the "Home Guard." 1

© Translation William Drabkin.

9. -2°, Schneefall!

— Von Weisse (Br.): schlechtere Verhältnisse auch in Amerika; er möchte mit dem Uebersetzer verbunden sein wegen Einheitlichkeit der termini [sic]; hält Kurse an der Universität ab. — Korrektur des Vorworts zur Quintenstudie. — Nach der Jause Wege. — Eine Patiençe in zwei Legen bei freundlichem Konzert {3797} des „Heimatschutzbundes“. 1

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

9, -2°, snowfall!

— From Weisse (letter): financial circumstances are also very bad in America; he would like to make contact with the translator with regard to uniformity of terminology; he is giving courses at the University. — Corrections to the foreword to the study of fifths . — After teatime, errands. — A game of solitaire completed in two rounds, during a pleasant concert {3797} of the "Home Guard." 1

© Translation William Drabkin.


1 According to the radio listings in the Neue freie Presse, this was a broadcast from the Great Concert Hall, in which the orchestra of the Vienna Home Guard was conducted by Rudolf Nilius in a program of works by Mozart, Haydn, Liszt, Lehár and Johann Strauß the younger.