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13. XI.
Kaff :

Am Finger verletzt. 1 Am Etüde v. Chopin neu in Angriff genommen u. über Grieg Stücke gesprochen. Autogramm einsehen lassen. 2

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, ed. Ian Bent, 2007, 2022-23

November 13, [1912]
Kaff :

Has a wounded finger. 1 Chopin A minor Etude newly tackled; talked about the Grieg pieces. Allowed to see the autograph manuscript. 2

© Translation Ian Bent, 2022-23

13. XI.
Kaff :

Am Finger verletzt. 1 Am Etüde v. Chopin neu in Angriff genommen u. über Grieg Stücke gesprochen. Autogramm einsehen lassen. 2

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, ed. Ian Bent, 2007, 2022-23

November 13, [1912]
Kaff :

Has a wounded finger. 1 Chopin A minor Etude newly tackled; talked about the Grieg pieces. Allowed to see the autograph manuscript. 2

© Translation Ian Bent, 2022-23


1 Schenker’s diary for November 12 records: ”My pupil from Brno is taking her responsibilities more seriously than before. That is what happens when one makes the fulfillment of one's obligations a matter of one's own pocket: so long as her parents regarded this merely in terms of my time, merely of my money, she squandered both at will. Now that the assumption of the loss of money lies with her, even an operation is no longer an obstacle to her coming to her lesson. The fear of losing a few gulden is greater than her worry about her own ailing foot; and the young lady, not thinking in the least of money-grubbing, is changing her story whereby, she says, it seemed better for her to entertain herself by the trip and the lesson than to stay at home. How reluctant a person is to admit the truth which the nature within him requires.”

2 Possibly related, Schenker’s diary for November 6 records: “The two autograph manuscripts are photographed.” — i.e. the autographs of Beethoven Sonatas Op. 110 and 111. (Miss Kaff is not recorded as working on either sonata hitherto.) Cf. lesson note for Brünauer November 15.