OC 3/1-2: Oct 1912-Jun 1913 - Evelina Pairamall: lesson: Saturday, March 29, 1913
29. Pairamall † : Gondellied; über freies Spiel; Unterscheidung vom tempo rubato, siehe Em. Bach; {6} enger Begriff des rubato u. Sanktionirung vom freien Spiel; 1 Brief v. Mozart über rubato im Adagio (aus dem Jahre 77) mißverstanden. Mendelssohns Briefe über Chopins Spiel. © Transcription Robert Kosovsky, ed. Ian Bent, 2007, 2022-23 |
[March] 29, [1913] Pairamall † : Gondola Song; on playing freely; difference from tempo rubato, see C. P. E. Bach; {6} the narrow concept of rubato and the sanctioning of playing freely; 1 letter by Mozart about rubato in the Adagio (from the year 1777) misunderstood. Mendelssohn‘s letters about Chopin‘s playing. © Translation Ian Bent, 2022-23 |
29. Pairamall † : Gondellied; über freies Spiel; Unterscheidung vom tempo rubato, siehe Em. Bach; {6} enger Begriff des rubato u. Sanktionirung vom freien Spiel; 1 Brief v. Mozart über rubato im Adagio (aus dem Jahre 77) mißverstanden. Mendelssohns Briefe über Chopins Spiel. © Transcription Robert Kosovsky, ed. Ian Bent, 2007, 2022-23 |
[March] 29, [1913] Pairamall † : Gondola Song; on playing freely; difference from tempo rubato, see C. P. E. Bach; {6} the narrow concept of rubato and the sanctioning of playing freely; 1 letter by Mozart about rubato in the Adagio (from the year 1777) misunderstood. Mendelssohn‘s letters about Chopin‘s playing. © Translation Ian Bent, 2022-23 |
Footnotes1 Schenker touches on this topic in chapter 9 of his unpublished Die Kunst des Vortrags , see Heinrich Schenker, The Art of Performance, ed. Heribert Esser, Eng. transl. Irene Schreier Scott (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), p. 53–57. |
Format† Double underlined |