OC 3/1-2: Oct 1912-Jun 1913 - Toni Colbert: lesson: Thursday, June 26, 1913
26. VI. Colbert † :
Mozart Sonate Adur
; über den Rhythmus des 1. Taktes u.
die Bindung: u. Stacatto-Vortrag. 1 © Transcription Robert Kosovsky, ed. Ian Bent, 2007, 2022-23 |
June 26, [1913] Colbert † :
Mozart Sonata in A
major; on the rhythm of the first bar and the slur: and staccato performance. 1 © Translation Ian Bent, 2022-23 |
26. VI. Colbert † :
Mozart Sonate Adur
; über den Rhythmus des 1. Taktes u.
die Bindung: u. Stacatto-Vortrag. 1 © Transcription Robert Kosovsky, ed. Ian Bent, 2007, 2022-23 |
June 26, [1913] Colbert † :
Mozart Sonata in A
major; on the rhythm of the first bar and the slur: and staccato performance. 1 © Translation Ian Bent, 2022-23 |
Footnotes1 The music illustration is, unusually, in Jeanette’s hand, not Heinrich’s. The rhythm of the melodic line has been transcribed incorrectly in two places, and has been silently corrected here. — Beneath it, to the right of “Stacatto-Vortrag,” in pencil and probably in Schenker’s hand, are seven vertical strokes of decreasing size, the first two of which are approximately aligned with the last two note-shapes. It is not clear whether they were intended to show “staccato performance” and, if so, how this was to be achieved. |
Format† Double underlined |