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Weisse :

Aufgaben; bringt die fotografischen Reproduktionen von Skizzen der Intermezzi {37} von Brahms, sowie die 1 Sammlung interessanter Stellen. 2

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, 2007, 2020

[December] 18, [1913]
Weisse :

Exercises; he brings the photographic reproductions of sketches for the Intermezzi {37} by Brahms, as well as the 1 collection of interesting passages. 2

© Translation Ian Bent, 2020

Weisse :

Aufgaben; bringt die fotografischen Reproduktionen von Skizzen der Intermezzi {37} von Brahms, sowie die 1 Sammlung interessanter Stellen. 2

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, 2007, 2020

[December] 18, [1913]
Weisse :

Exercises; he brings the photographic reproductions of sketches for the Intermezzi {37} by Brahms, as well as the 1 collection of interesting passages. 2

© Translation Ian Bent, 2020


1 Important to note “die”, not “der”, so not governed by “reproductions of”; and yet Weisse could not have brought the original so must have brought them in some photographic form.

2 Schenker’s diary for this day records: “Weisse brings Brahms’s ‘collection of interesting passages’; beyond all expectation, the master shows himself immersed in the most intensive work and effort in his research into voice-leading problems.” This and the lessonbook entry appear to be the first reference to Brahms’s Oktaven und Quinten u.A., of which Schenker made an edition with commentary in 1933; “against all expectation” suggests that Schenker was surprised by what he saw.