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23. I.
Brünauer :

Rhapsodie Gm , Mittelstück neu; Hm die ersten 12 Takte mit besonderer Berücksichtigung markierter Oktaven; 1 auch einiges aus dem Rondo op. 97.

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, 2007, 2020

January 23, [1914]
Brünauer :

Rhapsody in G minor, middle section new; B minor the first twelve measures with special attention to the staccato octaves; 1 also a few points in the Rondo of Op. 97.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2020

23. I.
Brünauer :

Rhapsodie Gm , Mittelstück neu; Hm die ersten 12 Takte mit besonderer Berücksichtigung markierter Oktaven; 1 auch einiges aus dem Rondo op. 97.

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, 2007, 2020

January 23, [1914]
Brünauer :

Rhapsody in G minor, middle section new; B minor the first twelve measures with special attention to the staccato octaves; 1 also a few points in the Rondo of Op. 97.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2020


1 “markiert”: Schenker must be referring to the forte staccato quarternote right-hand octaves in mm. 11–12. There are no marcato markings in the piece, or > (accent) markings in mm. 1–12. Cf. Brünauer’s lessonnotes for January 27.