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Weisse :

Ueber den 2. Aufsatz von Vetter in der „Musik“; 1 einiges aus BrahmsClarinetten-Sonate Fm u. das 1. Kap. vom Secund-Accord zuende. 2

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, 2007, 2020

[April] 23, [1914]
Weisse :

On the second article by Vetter in Die Musik; 1 a few points in Brahms’s Clarinet Sonata in F minor and the first chapter on the chord of the second through to the end. 2

© Translation Ian Bent, 2020

Weisse :

Ueber den 2. Aufsatz von Vetter in der „Musik“; 1 einiges aus BrahmsClarinetten-Sonate Fm u. das 1. Kap. vom Secund-Accord zuende. 2

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, 2007, 2020

[April] 23, [1914]
Weisse :

On the second article by Vetter in Die Musik; 1 a few points in Brahms’s Clarinet Sonata in F minor and the first chapter on the chord of the second through to the end. 2

© Translation Ian Bent, 2020


1 Cf. Brünauer’s lesson notes for April 7, referring to Walther Vetter, "Der erster Satz von Brahms‘ E-moll Symphonie," Die Musik XIII, 13–15 (April –May 1914), 3–15, 83–92, 131–45, of which Schenker has by this point seen the first two instalments. The three-part article is preserved in Schenker’s scrapbook at OC2/p. 43, and is referred to as a whole in Schenker’s diary on May 12 and 22. It not only mentions Schenker by name but uses some of his terminology, citing Harmonielehre and Die Neunte Sinfonie in several footnotes.

2 C. P. E. Bach, Essay on the True Art of Playing Keyboard Instruments, Eng. transl. William J. Mitchell (New York: W. W. Norton; London: Cassell, 1949; London: Eulenburg, 1974), pp. 252–60 "The Chord of the Second" (= first section of chapter IX). Cf. his lesson notes for April 9 and 16. (Schenker should have spoken of “Abschnitt” [“section”] rather than “Kapitel” [“chapter”].) See Weisse’s lesson notes for April 30 for the second section of the chapter.