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Person, unknown, whose name Schenker gives to the publisher J. G. Cotta as someone who will write on his behalf (CA 1-2, November 8, 1905). In 1906, Goldbaum is mentioned twice in Schenker's diary in connection with his Harmonielehre: "Evening, sound advice received from Dr. Goldbaum concerning the title and final chapter" (September 21), "Establishment of title with the help of Dr. Goldbaum and [Adalbert] Seligmann" (October 9) (OJ 1/5, pp. 20, 22).

Since the final chapter of Harmonielehre, "The Teaching of Modulation and Preludizing," includes a "Critique of Present-day Teaching Methods," in which "theorists and music pedagogues (in their textbooks as well as monographs)" are disparaged for their treatment of modulation and preludizing in too abstract a manner, and a harmonic plan from Salomon Jadassohn's Art of Modulating and Preludizing (Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1890) (of which Schenker owned a copy) is singled as an instance of this, and since the title-page involved Schenker's concealing his identity under the pseudonym "an artist," it is possible that Goldbaum was serving as a legal adviser with a view to the law of libel.


  • Ian Bent

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