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Documents associated with this person:




  • Oxford University Press
  • Oxford-Presse


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  • OJ 11/54, [23] Handwritten letter from Hoboken to Schenker, dated March 21, 1928

    Hoboken has still made no progress on photographic work at the Paris Conservatory. — He will go to Rotterdam and Münster. — Speaks of the importance of his Archive work and contacts he has made. Will probably go to a concert featuring music of Alban Berg. — He asks Schenker to intervene with O. E. Deutsch.

  • OJ 10/3, [82] Typewritten postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated March 26, 1928

    Deutsch writes about the sketches for a symphony in E major by Schubert, in the possession of the Royal College of Music in London. He would like to have a copy made so that the work can be published – possibly by Oxford University Press. The costs should be borne by the publisher, not the Photogram Archive, which would nonetheless get a copy of the reproduction.