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Austrian medical doctor and neurologist, specialist in childhood disorders. Author of medical papers and books, including Kinderlähmungen [Forms of Infantile Paralysis] (Vienna and Berlin, J. Springer, 1933). He emigrated to England in the late 1930s and died in Slough (western suburb of London) in 1942.

His entry in Lehmann’s Vienna street directory reads: Zappert, Julius, doctor of general medicine, Associate University Professor, [Vienna] VIII, Skodagasse 19 (2‒3.30), Tel. 14.886

Zappert and Schenker

Zappert’s name appears on documents from 1924 emanating from the Verein zur Speisung und Bekleidung hungernder Schulkinder in Wien (Association for the Feeding and Clothing of Hungry Schoolchildren in Vienna) ‒ of which he may at that time have been a Board member ‒ in relation to the transfer of the Sofie Deutsch Stipends from the Association to the Viennese Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst (Academy for Music and Performing Art): UMdK Z 312 D/1924, [1], May 21, 1924 and UMdK Z 641 D/1924, [3], June 30, 1924.


  • Ian Bent

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