Wilma Schenker
born Kautzen, May c.27, 1915
Documents associated with this person:
Daughter of Dodi and Wilhelm Schenker. Her birth was announced by Dodi on May 27, 1915. Because of the proximity of her birthdate, she celebrated her nameday on May 28 (St. William of Acquitaine) along with Wilhelm. No further reference to her appears in Heinrich’s diary, except perhaps as included in the phrase “the children.” However, in a postcard of December 24, 1934 (OC A/296) to Heinrich and Jeanette, Wilhelm gives news of his children, first of Tonerl and Karli, then “and Mimibi – Budapest” – allowing speculation that “Mimibi” may have been the family nickname for Wilma.
- Heinrich Schenker’s diary, May 27 and 29, 1915; May 28, 1917
- Ian Bent