Contributing Scholars (Past and Present)
The editorial work of Schenker Documents Online is conducted by an international team of contributing scholars ‒ all of whom give their services free of charge, except where under contract to a funded research project ‒ under the leadership of Ian Bent and William Drabkin. These are:
Wayne Alpern
Independent Scholar, New York City
– Consultant on Schenker's general and legal education, contributor to
the Schenker Biography (Colloquy)
Ian Bent
Emeritus Professor of Music, Columbia University, New
– Correspondence with Universal Edition, J. G. Cotta'sche
Buchhandlung Nachfolger, C. F. Peters, Waldheim-Eberle, Ferruccio Busoni,
Josef Weinberger; Alphons & Clarice Rothschild, Paul Wittgenstein, Ernst
Rudorff, Maria Komorn, Carl & Toni Colbert, Moriz, Valerie & Fanny
Violin (with Drabkin); members of Schenker's family; Schenker's diaries
1896‒1911 and lessonbooks; profiles
David Bretherton
Associate Professor of Music, University of
– Correspondence with Otto Erich Deutsch;
translation issues; XML encoding
Geoffrey Chew
Emeritus Professor of Music, Royal Holloway College
University of London
– Translation issues
Marko Deisinger
Senior Musicologist, Department of Music, Austrian
National Library, Vienna
– Schenker's diaries 1912‒1935; correspondence relating to the
Photogrammarchiv; profiles
Alan Dodson
Professor of Music Theory, Mount Allison University,
– Schenker's lessonbooks
William Drabkin
Emeritus Professor of Music, University of
Southampton, UK
– Correspondence with Felix-Eberhard & Gustav von Cube, Otto Erich
Deutsch, John & Aline Petrie Dunn, Hermann Rinn, Wilhelm Schenker, Paul
and Anna Schiff, A. F. Seligmann, Moriz, Valerie & Fanny Violin, F.
& R. Wahle, Hans & Hertha Weisse, Drei Masken Verlag; translation of
correspondence with Drei Masken Verlag and its staff and advisers; profiles;
translation and co-editing of Heinrich's diaries 1896‒1911, 1912-1935, and
of Jeanette's Travel Diary, 1936
Heribert Esser
General Music Director, Hanau
– Correspondence with Theodor von Frimmel, Anthony van Hoboken and
Oswald Jonas (co-transcriber with John Rothgeb), also his own correspondence
with Tomas Kornfeld
Martin Eybl
Professor of Music, Universität für Musik und
darstellende Kunst, Vienna
– Correspondence with Viennese officials, institutions, and
journalists, including the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, Vereinigung Wiener
Musikreferenten in Wien, Hermann Bahr, Elsa Bienenfeld, Wilhelm Bopp, Max
Graf, Julius Korngold,Carl Lafite, Hans Liebstöckl, Ludwig Karpath, Ernst
Mach, Richard Robert, Ferdinand Scherber; profiles
Sigrun Heinzelmann
Faculty Member, Universität Mozarteum Salzburg,
– editing and translating lessonbooks 1917/18, 1918/19
Kirstie Hewlett
Research Associate, The Policy Institute, King's
College, London
– transcr. and encoding of correspondence with Drei Masken Verlag and
its staff and advisers, Georg Tomay; correspondence with Jeanette Schenker;
XML encoding and copy preparation; mark-up for diaries, 1912‒19, 1930‒35
Christoph Hust
Professor of Musicology, Zentrum für
Musikwissenschaft Leipzig, Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig
– Correspondence with performers, including Gerhard & Josef
Albersheim, Josef Helmesberger, Moriz Rosenthal, Artur Schnabel; also Otto
Erich & Hanna Deutsch, Viktor Zuckerkandl; profiles
Timothy L. Jackson
Professor of Music Theory, College of Music,
University of North Texas; Center for Schenkerian Studies
– Correspondence with Reinhard Oppel
Iby-Jolande Varga
Multimedia and animation film artist,
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Vienna
– XML encoding of Schenker's diaries 1912-35
Kevin Karnes
Professor of Music, Emory University, Atlanta,
– Correspondence with Guido Adler, Franz Steiner, Julius Roentgen;
profiles of neswpapers and journals; profiles
John Koslovsky
Senior Docent in Music Theory, Conservatorium van
Amsterdam; Affiliate Researcher in the Humanities, Utrecht
– Correspondence with Walter Dahms, aspects of Felix Salzer
Kaleb Koslowski
Doctoral Candidate, University of Alberta,
– Correspondence with Breitkopf & Härtel
Robert Kosovsky
Head of Music, New York Public Library; Curator,
Ernst Oster Collection
– Complete lessonbooks and lesson notes, 1912‒1932, including seminar
(transcription, annotation)
Rodney Livingstone
Professor Emeritus in German Studies, University of
- German language consultant
Nicholas Marston
Professor in Music Theory and Analysis, University of
– Correspondence with librarians, archivists, and collectors of
autograph manuscripts and early editions, concerning sources
William Pastille
Tutor Emeritus, St. John's College, Anapolis
– Correspondence with Maximilian Harden, Max Kalbeck
Stephanie Probst
Assistant Professor, Universität für Musik und
darstellende Kunst, Vienna
- C0-editing of correspondence with Victor Hammer
Andrea Reiter, dec.
‒ Translation consultant for diaries 1896‒1910, 1912‒14, 1925‒35, and
for correspondence
John Rothgeb, dec.
– Correspondence with Theodor von Frimmel, Oswald & Frieda Jonas,
Joseph Marx, Anthony & Annamarie van Hoboken; profiles
Lee Rothfarb
Emeritus Professor of Music, University of
California, Santa Barbara
– Correspondence with August Halm, Karl Grunsky, translation of
correspondence with Wilhelm Schenker; research on Schenker's childhood and
Michaela Searfoorce
Independent scholar
– Correspondence with Angelika & Manolo Elias, Marianne Kahn,
Evelina Pairamall
Hedi Siegel
Professor of Music, Mannes College of Music, New
– Correspondence with Victor Hammer, Felix Salzer; author of profiles,
general adviser
Robert Wason
Professor Emeritus of Music Theory, Eastman School of
Music, University of Rochester
– Correspondence with Arthur Waldeck, Frederick Auslander; profiles
Arnold Whittall
Emeritus Professor of Music Theory and Analysis,
King's College, London
– Correspondence between Paul Hindemith, Arnold Schoenberg, Moriz
Violin, and Schenker