Full text search of German original and English translation

About searching:

  • searches are case-insensitive - bakery finds bakery and Bakery
  • searches find closely related words - bakery finds bakery and bakeries
  • use quote marks to find words together - "railway station" finds just railway station while railway station finds instances of railway and station
  • add tilde (~) and number to specify desired proximity - "errors copy"~5 finds errors and copy within 5 words of each other

Searched for t. (1 result found)

Filter: diaries: 1

Term language filter: de: 1

Downloads temporarily removed for testing purposes

  • Diary entry for 1913-09-23

    ... . unbekannt ist. Oder: Da ich, auf eine Abschrift von op. 109 hinweisend ad T. An empty space after the "T.", evidently intended for the subsequent insertion of a measure number. bemerke, wie getreu die Abschrift Beeth.s Aut. u. auch sein Spiel reproduziere ...

Pages: 1