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[This letter is written in a form of shorthand known as “Gabelschrift,” which has so far proved indecipherable. The two pages (recto-verso) were apparently originally taken down by dictation on pp. 186–187 of Schenker’s diary, then later transferred to folder OC 1B (“drafts of letters from Schenker to various recipients”). — Several long stretches of the shorthand in the central portion of the letter have been crossed out, one substitue passage cued from below the second page, and a number of smaller edits made.]

[Diagonally across the first sheet in crayon has been written:]
Brief an Frau Pairamall [/] 9. IV. 16 [two diagonal lines leading to cross]

[A few fragments, widely distributed through material, are written in plain text:]
“Kan” “Fl.” [= Moriz Violin?] 1 “18℃” “f 10℃” “Resourcess [sic]” “Lusus” “10 [..] 12” “½7h” “960 Kr.”

© Transcription not done.

[This letter is written in a form of shorthand known as “Gabelschrift,” which has so far proved indecipherable. The two pages (recto-verso) were apparently originally taken down by dictation on pp. 186–187 of Schenker’s diary, then later transferred to folder OC 1B (“drafts of letters from Schenker to various recipients”). — Several long stretches of the shorthand in the central portion of the letter have been crossed out, one substitue passage cued from below the second page, and a number of smaller edits made.]

[Diagonally across the first sheet in crayon has been written:]
Letter to Mrs. Pairamall [/] April 9, 1916 [two diagonal lines leading to cross]

[A few fragments, widely distributed through material, are written in plain text:]
“Kan” “Fl.” [= Moriz Violin?] 1 “18℃” “f 10℃” “Resources” “Lusus” “10 [..] 12” “6.30 o'clock” “960 Kr.”

© Translation not done.

[This letter is written in a form of shorthand known as “Gabelschrift,” which has so far proved indecipherable. The two pages (recto-verso) were apparently originally taken down by dictation on pp. 186–187 of Schenker’s diary, then later transferred to folder OC 1B (“drafts of letters from Schenker to various recipients”). — Several long stretches of the shorthand in the central portion of the letter have been crossed out, one substitue passage cued from below the second page, and a number of smaller edits made.]

[Diagonally across the first sheet in crayon has been written:]
Brief an Frau Pairamall [/] 9. IV. 16 [two diagonal lines leading to cross]

[A few fragments, widely distributed through material, are written in plain text:]
“Kan” “Fl.” [= Moriz Violin?] 1 “18℃” “f 10℃” “Resourcess [sic]” “Lusus” “10 [..] 12” “½7h” “960 Kr.”

© Transcription not done.

[This letter is written in a form of shorthand known as “Gabelschrift,” which has so far proved indecipherable. The two pages (recto-verso) were apparently originally taken down by dictation on pp. 186–187 of Schenker’s diary, then later transferred to folder OC 1B (“drafts of letters from Schenker to various recipients”). — Several long stretches of the shorthand in the central portion of the letter have been crossed out, one substitue passage cued from below the second page, and a number of smaller edits made.]

[Diagonally across the first sheet in crayon has been written:]
Letter to Mrs. Pairamall [/] April 9, 1916 [two diagonal lines leading to cross]

[A few fragments, widely distributed through material, are written in plain text:]
“Kan” “Fl.” [= Moriz Violin?] 1 “18℃” “f 10℃” “Resources” “Lusus” “10 [..] 12” “6.30 o'clock” “960 Kr.”

© Translation not done.


1 “Fl.”: alternatively, abbreviation of “Florin” (coinage), since it could be preceded by a single-digit numeral that is obscured by a diagonal line drawn by Heinrich, hence a monetary value.


2p document, written by Jeanette Kornfeld in Gabelschrift with brief items in plain text, the upper part of the first page overwritten with an annotation by Schenker, plus two diagonal lines terminating in a cross
Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker; deemed to be in the public domain
All reasonable efforts have been made to identify the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to Schenker Documents Online, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-1938)--Oster, Ernst (1938-1977)—New York Public Library (c.1977-)

Digital version created: 2022-03-21
Last updated: 2011-06-09