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[Copies of this document exist as OC 18/26 and Sbb 55 Nachl. 13, [9]]

BERLIN W.35 30. Januar 1933.

Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Wien VIII [sic].
Keilgasse 8.

Lieber verehrter Herr Schenker, 1

Einliegend sende ich Ihnen Kopien zweier Briefe, welche ich heute an Herrn Hofrat Karpath gesandt habe. 2

Ich bin im Begriff abzureisen und möchte Sie nur informiert wissen.

Mit vielen Grüssen
immer Ihr
[signed:] W. Furtwängler


Über die Berliner Verhältnisse – die durch die politischen Ereignisse 3 in einer beständigen Umbildung begriffen sind – schreibe ich Ihnen nach meiner Rückkehr aus England, Ende des Monats!

© Transcription Christoph Hust, 2008

[Copies of this document exist as OC 18/26 and Sbb 55 Nachl. 13, [9]]

BERLIN W.35 January 30, 1933

Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Vienna VIII [sic]
Keilgasse 8

Dear revered Mr. Schenker, 1

Enclosed, I send you copies of two letters that I have sent today to Court Counsellor Karpath 2

I am just about to depart, and just want to keep you informed.

With warm greetings,
Ever yours,
[signed:] W. Furtwängler


I will write to you about the conditions in Berlin ‒ which are in a constant state of flux as a result of the political events 3 ‒ after my return from England at the end of the month!

© Translation Ian Bent, 2008

[Copies of this document exist as OC 18/26 and Sbb 55 Nachl. 13, [9]]

BERLIN W.35 30. Januar 1933.

Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Wien VIII [sic].
Keilgasse 8.

Lieber verehrter Herr Schenker, 1

Einliegend sende ich Ihnen Kopien zweier Briefe, welche ich heute an Herrn Hofrat Karpath gesandt habe. 2

Ich bin im Begriff abzureisen und möchte Sie nur informiert wissen.

Mit vielen Grüssen
immer Ihr
[signed:] W. Furtwängler


Über die Berliner Verhältnisse – die durch die politischen Ereignisse 3 in einer beständigen Umbildung begriffen sind – schreibe ich Ihnen nach meiner Rückkehr aus England, Ende des Monats!

© Transcription Christoph Hust, 2008

[Copies of this document exist as OC 18/26 and Sbb 55 Nachl. 13, [9]]

BERLIN W.35 January 30, 1933

Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Vienna VIII [sic]
Keilgasse 8

Dear revered Mr. Schenker, 1

Enclosed, I send you copies of two letters that I have sent today to Court Counsellor Karpath 2

I am just about to depart, and just want to keep you informed.

With warm greetings,
Ever yours,
[signed:] W. Furtwängler


I will write to you about the conditions in Berlin ‒ which are in a constant state of flux as a result of the political events 3 ‒ after my return from England at the end of the month!

© Translation Ian Bent, 2008


1 This letter was probably sent no earlier that February 6: see the date of OC 18/47, one of the enclosed letters. Receipt of this letter is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 4/6, p. 3811, February 9, 1933: "Von Furtwängler (Br.): den Durchschlag von zwei Briefen an Karpath über mich, aber nicht für die Zeitung; wird nach seiner Rückkehr aus England schreiben!" ("From Furtwängler (letter): the carbon copies of two letters to Karpath about me but not for the newspaper; he will write after his return from England!"). This letter is included in Heinrich Schenker: Selected Correspondence, eds. Ian Bent, David Bretherton, and William Drabkin (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2014), p. 219.

2 The letters in question are: OC 18/46, January 30, 1933 (carbon copy) (=OC 18/27 = OJ 35/4, [1]); OJ 18/47, January 30, 1933 (carbon copy) (= OJ 18/28 = OC 35/4, [2]), enclosed with OC 18/46). Photocopies of typewritten transcripts of both these letters exist as OJ 71/11.

3 On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was elected Reich Chancellor.


1p letter, printed letterhead, typed date, recipient address, salutations and message, holograph signature and postscript, enclosures indicated but not filed with document (= OC 18/26 = Sbb 55 Nachl 13, [9] photocopies)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Wilhelm Furtwänger, published by kind permission
Permission to publish granted by the late Mrs. Elisabeth Furtwängler, February 2, 2005. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, at schenkercorrespondence (at) mus (dot) cam (dot) uk
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-1938)--Oster, Ernst (1938-c.1939)—New York Public Library (c.1939-)

Digital version created: 2015-01-27
Last updated: 2010-06-28