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OC 54/343 - Handwritten letter from George Tomay to Schenker, dated May 4, 1932
⇧ Takt 34 fehlt nicht bei b2 [dotted halfnote above staveline] der Takt hinter der
Takt 45 von f3 wohin geht der Bogen soll man so nicht hinschreiben? ⇧ Sehr geehrter Herr Professor, 1 © Transcription Ian Bent, 2023 |
⇧ Bar 34 Isn’t the dot behind the Bę2
[dotted halfnote above staveline]
missing after the note-head?
Bar 45 Where does the slur go after the F3? Should it be indicated? ⇧ Dear Professor, 1 © Translation Ian Bent, 2023 |
⇧ Takt 34 fehlt nicht bei b2 [dotted halfnote above staveline] der Takt hinter der
Takt 45 von f3 wohin geht der Bogen soll man so nicht hinschreiben? ⇧ Sehr geehrter Herr Professor, 1 © Transcription Ian Bent, 2023 |
⇧ Bar 34 Isn’t the dot behind the Bę2
[dotted halfnote above staveline]
missing after the note-head?
Bar 45 Where does the slur go after the F3? Should it be indicated? ⇧ Dear Professor, 1 © Translation Ian Bent, 2023 |
Footnotes1 Fünf Urlinie-Tafeln , Chopin Etude Op. 10, No. 12 in C minor, sheet II/III. Receipt of this letter is not recorded in Schenker’s diary. 2 Evidently further work continued on the graphs, e.g. Schenker’s diary for May 13 records: “Nach der Jause Korrekturen an op. 10VIII. — Tomay holt alles ab.” (“After teatime, corrections to Op. 10, No 8. — Tomay collects everything.”), and May 18: “Tomay sen. bringt op. 10VIII.” (“Tomay senior brings Op. 10, No. 8.”). 3 Schenker’s diary for May 4, 1932 records: “Tomay jun. bringt 10XII Mittelblatt u. fordert u. erhält S. 88.” (“Tomay junior brings the middle leaf of Op. 10, No. 12; asks for, and receives 88 shillings.”). |
Digital version created: 2023-08-17 |