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Takt 34 fehlt nicht bei b2 [dotted halfnote above staveline] der Takt hinter der Note.
Takt 45 von f3 wohin geht der Bogen soll man so nicht hinschreiben?

Sehr geehrter Herr Professor, 1

Dürfte ich die bisher fertiggestellten Tafeln zur Verrechnung bringen den[n] ich in Geldnöten bin musste am 1. [illeg] bezahlen. Die Bach Tafeln liefere ich Freitag. 2

[signed:] G.Tomay

Urlinie 16.–
Vordergrund I 22.–
Vordergrund IV 22.–
Vordergrund II/III 28.–
88. –

4. Mai 1932 3

88 S.

dankend erhalten

[signed:] G Tomay

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2023

Bar 34 Isn’t the dot behind the Bę2 [dotted halfnote above staveline] missing after the note-head?
Bar 45 Where does the slur go after the F3? Should it be indicated?

Dear Professor, 1

Might I submit my bill for the graphs so far finished, because I am short of money and have to pay [illeg] on the 1st. I will deliver the Bach graphs on Friday. 2

With kind regards,
[signed:] G. Tomay

Urlinie 16.–
Foreground I 22.–
Foreground IV 22.–
Foreground II/III 28.–
88. –

May 4, 1932 3

88 S.

received with thanks

[signed:] G. Tomay

© Translation Ian Bent, 2023

Takt 34 fehlt nicht bei b2 [dotted halfnote above staveline] der Takt hinter der Note.
Takt 45 von f3 wohin geht der Bogen soll man so nicht hinschreiben?

Sehr geehrter Herr Professor, 1

Dürfte ich die bisher fertiggestellten Tafeln zur Verrechnung bringen den[n] ich in Geldnöten bin musste am 1. [illeg] bezahlen. Die Bach Tafeln liefere ich Freitag. 2

[signed:] G.Tomay

Urlinie 16.–
Vordergrund I 22.–
Vordergrund IV 22.–
Vordergrund II/III 28.–
88. –

4. Mai 1932 3

88 S.

dankend erhalten

[signed:] G Tomay

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2023

Bar 34 Isn’t the dot behind the Bę2 [dotted halfnote above staveline] missing after the note-head?
Bar 45 Where does the slur go after the F3? Should it be indicated?

Dear Professor, 1

Might I submit my bill for the graphs so far finished, because I am short of money and have to pay [illeg] on the 1st. I will deliver the Bach graphs on Friday. 2

With kind regards,
[signed:] G. Tomay

Urlinie 16.–
Foreground I 22.–
Foreground IV 22.–
Foreground II/III 28.–
88. –

May 4, 1932 3

88 S.

received with thanks

[signed:] G. Tomay

© Translation Ian Bent, 2023


1 Fünf Urlinie-Tafeln , Chopin Etude Op. 10, No. 12 in C minor, sheet II/III. Receipt of this letter is not recorded in Schenker’s diary.

2 Evidently further work continued on the graphs, e.g. Schenker’s diary for May 13 records: “Nach der Jause Korrekturen an op. 10VIII. — Tomay holt alles ab.” (“After teatime, corrections to Op. 10, No 8. — Tomay collects everything.”), and May 18: “Tomay sen. bringt op. 10VIII.” (“Tomay senior brings Op. 10, No. 8.”).

3 Schenker’s diary for May 4, 1932 records: “Tomay jun. bringt 10XII Mittelblatt u. fordert u. erhält S. 88.” (“Tomay junior brings the middle leaf of Op. 10, No. 12; asks for, and receives 88 shillings.”).


Rights Holder
Heirs of Georg Tomay; deemed to be in the public domain
All reasonable attempts have been made to identify heirs of Georg Tomay. This document is deemed to be in the public domain. Any claim to intellectual rights should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk.
1p letter, unknown handwritten note, holograph (Georg Tomay snr) salutation, message, valediction, signature, and account, holograph (Georg Tomay jnr) receipt and signature
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-1938)--Oster, Ernst (1938-c.1939)—New York Public Library (c.1939-)

Digital version created: 2023-08-17
Last updated: 2011-10-11