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OC B/199 - Postal receipt for a package from Schenker to Wilhelm Altmann, postmarked June 12, 1925
[Roman type = printed; Italic type = handwritten]
{recto} [column 1:] Aufgabeschein [Gegen]stand: K Nr. 297 [column 2:]Wert K | Gewicht kg g | Nachnahme K [column 3:]Gebühr: K 60
[initialing illegible because
{verso} ⇧ Plaquette / u[.] Bf. © Transcription Nicholas Marston, 2014 |
[Roman type = printed; Italic type = handwritten]
{recto} [column 1:] Postal Receipt Article: K No. 297 [column 2:]Value Kronen | Weight kg g | C.O.D. K [column 3:]Fee: Kronen 60
[initialing illegible because
{verso} ⇧ Medallion / and letter © Translation Nicholas Marston, 2014 |
[Roman type = printed; Italic type = handwritten]
{recto} [column 1:] Aufgabeschein [Gegen]stand: K Nr. 297 [column 2:]Wert K | Gewicht kg g | Nachnahme K [column 3:]Gebühr: K 60
[initialing illegible because
{verso} ⇧ Plaquette / u[.] Bf. © Transcription Nicholas Marston, 2014 |
[Roman type = printed; Italic type = handwritten]
{recto} [column 1:] Postal Receipt Article: K No. 297 [column 2:]Value Kronen | Weight kg g | C.O.D. K [column 3:]Fee: Kronen 60
[initialing illegible because
{verso} ⇧ Medallion / and letter © Translation Nicholas Marston, 2014 |
Footnotes1 Sending of this package is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 3/7, p. 2828, June 12, 1925: "An Prof. Altmann: Plaquette recomm. mit Brief: habe ausnahmsweise auch die Gegner vorgenommen, im übrigen sind alle viel zu wenig ausgestattet, um als Gegner ernstlich in Frage zu kommen." ("To Professor Altmann: medallion [sent] registered with letter: have taken on the opponents, as an exception, they are all incidentally much too poorly equipped to be seriously considered opponents."). The medallion is that of Schenker struck by Alfred Rothberger. |
Digital version created: 2015-06-12 |