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{recto} [printed:]

Postkarte [stamp:]
[Absender: ]Aug. Halm
Panorama 11
[An: ] Herrn Professor Dr. Schenker
Wien III
Reisnerstr. 38
[postmark:] || Freigegeben | St. ||

[postmark:] || ESSLINGEN (Neckar) | 12.DEZ.18.5 N. | * 1 * ||

[postmark:] || ESSLINGEN (Neckar) | 12.DEZ.18.5 N. | * 1 * || {verso} 13.XII.18

Sehr geehrter Herr Professor!

Heut 1 oder spätestens morgen schreibe ich Ihnen ausführlicher u. sende Ihnen den Brief Eingeschrieben. Einstweilen nur herzlichen Dank für Ihren Brief 2 u. die mir zugedachte Hilfe, die ich sehr gern annehmen werde. 3

Bestens begrüße ich Sie.
[signed:] A. Halm

© Transcription Lee Rothfarb, 2006

{recto} [printed:]

Postcard [note in margin] stamp:
[From: ]Aug. Halm
Panorama[straße] 11
[note in margin] handwritten:
[To: ] Professor Schenker,
Vienna III,
Reisnerstraße 38
[postmark:] || Freigegeben | St. ||

[postmark:] || ESSLINGEN (Neckar) | 12.DEC.18.5 P.M. | * 1 * ||

[postmark:] || ESSLINGEN (Neckar) | 12.DEC.18.5 P.M. | * 1 * || {verso} December 13, 1918


Today 1 or at the latest tomorrow I will write more extensively and will send you the letter by registered mail. In the meantime, just cordial thanks for your letter 2 and for the help on my behalf, which I will very gladly accept. 3

With kind regards to you,
[signed:] A. Halm

© Translation Lee Rothfarb, 2006

{recto} [printed:]

Postkarte [stamp:]
[Absender: ]Aug. Halm
Panorama 11
[An: ] Herrn Professor Dr. Schenker
Wien III
Reisnerstr. 38
[postmark:] || Freigegeben | St. ||

[postmark:] || ESSLINGEN (Neckar) | 12.DEZ.18.5 N. | * 1 * ||

[postmark:] || ESSLINGEN (Neckar) | 12.DEZ.18.5 N. | * 1 * || {verso} 13.XII.18

Sehr geehrter Herr Professor!

Heut 1 oder spätestens morgen schreibe ich Ihnen ausführlicher u. sende Ihnen den Brief Eingeschrieben. Einstweilen nur herzlichen Dank für Ihren Brief 2 u. die mir zugedachte Hilfe, die ich sehr gern annehmen werde. 3

Bestens begrüße ich Sie.
[signed:] A. Halm

© Transcription Lee Rothfarb, 2006

{recto} [printed:]

Postcard [note in margin] stamp:
[From: ]Aug. Halm
Panorama[straße] 11
[note in margin] handwritten:
[To: ] Professor Schenker,
Vienna III,
Reisnerstraße 38
[postmark:] || Freigegeben | St. ||

[postmark:] || ESSLINGEN (Neckar) | 12.DEC.18.5 P.M. | * 1 * ||

[postmark:] || ESSLINGEN (Neckar) | 12.DEC.18.5 P.M. | * 1 * || {verso} December 13, 1918


Today 1 or at the latest tomorrow I will write more extensively and will send you the letter by registered mail. In the meantime, just cordial thanks for your letter 2 and for the help on my behalf, which I will very gladly accept. 3

With kind regards to you,
[signed:] A. Halm

© Translation Lee Rothfarb, 2006


1 Receipt of this postcard is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 2/12, p. 2021, December 16, 1918: "Von Halm (K.): eingeschriebener Brief folgt, nehme Hilfe sehr gerne an." ("From Halm (postcard): registered letter will follow; will gladly accept the help.").

2 = DLA 69.930/4, December 9, 1918.

3 Schenker records in his diary at OJ 2/12,, pp. 2022-2023, December 18, 1918: "Zum Bankverein: übergebe 1600 Kronen für Halm u. ersuche, die geeigneten Schritte einzuleiten; 2000 Kronen auf das Einlagebuch (31000!), einen 20-Kronen-Treffer behoben u. dafür in die nächstgelegenen Trafik ein neues Loos gekauft." ("To the Bank Association: I transfer 1,600 Kronen for Halm, and seek to initiate the necessary steps; 2,000 Kronen on the deposit book (31,000!), got a 20-Kronen win and bought a new lottery ticket in the next tabacconist's shop.").


prined postcard, stamped and holograph addresses recto, message and signature verso
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935) -- Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1955)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1955-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of August Halm, published here with kind permission
Permission to publish granted by the principal heir, Eberhard Halm, 2006. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk.

Digital version created: 2006-03-09
Last updated: 2010-03-08