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[printed image: sprig of fir tree and holly]

Glückliches Neues Jahr


Sehr verehrter Herr Professor, 1

gerade in den Tagen schwerster „Jonny“-Nöte 2 und der Unsicherheit, ob ich es gelassen oder wütend-empört hinnehmen soll, denke [sic] ich Ihrer zehn- und hundertfach und wünsche Ihnen ein wahrhaft schönes und glückliches 1928!

Ihre dankbar ergebene Schülerin
[signed:] Maria Komorn

Empfehlungen an die geehrte gn. Frau.

© Transcription Michaela Searfoorce, 2008, 2019

[printed image: sprig of fir tree and holly]

Happy New Year


Greatly revered Professor, 1

Even in the days of the most awful "Jonny"-notes, 2 and uncertainty whether I should accept it calmly or indignantly, I thank you ten- and one-hundredfold and wish you a truly beautiful and happy 1928!

Your gratefully devoted pupil
[signed:] Maria Komorn

Regards to your esteemed wife.

© Translation Michaela Searfoorce, 2008, 2019

[printed image: sprig of fir tree and holly]

Glückliches Neues Jahr


Sehr verehrter Herr Professor, 1

gerade in den Tagen schwerster „Jonny“-Nöte 2 und der Unsicherheit, ob ich es gelassen oder wütend-empört hinnehmen soll, denke [sic] ich Ihrer zehn- und hundertfach und wünsche Ihnen ein wahrhaft schönes und glückliches 1928!

Ihre dankbar ergebene Schülerin
[signed:] Maria Komorn

Empfehlungen an die geehrte gn. Frau.

© Transcription Michaela Searfoorce, 2008, 2019

[printed image: sprig of fir tree and holly]

Happy New Year


Greatly revered Professor, 1

Even in the days of the most awful "Jonny"-notes, 2 and uncertainty whether I should accept it calmly or indignantly, I thank you ten- and one-hundredfold and wish you a truly beautiful and happy 1928!

Your gratefully devoted pupil
[signed:] Maria Komorn

Regards to your esteemed wife.

© Translation Michaela Searfoorce, 2008, 2019


1 Receipt of this item is recorded in Schenker's diary for December 30, 1928: "Von Frau Komorn (Visitenk.): Wünsche." ("From Mrs. Komorn (calling card): greetings."). Schenker calls this document a "Visitenkarte," but it could equally well be called a greetings card since it does not contain the printed name of the sender. Schenker's reply is recorded at OJ 4/1, p. 3161, January 2, 1928: "An Frau Komorn (Visitenk.): Dank für die Wünsche; mache den Witz „Jonny spielt – aus“!" ("To Mrs. Komorn (calling card): thanks for the greetings; I make the joke "Jonny's played out"!"). The joke plays on the disparity between "aufspielen" (to strike up), and "ausspielen" (to be played out, spent, finished, done for).

2 A direct reference to Ernst Krenek's jazz opera Jonny spielt auf, which had been premiered in Leipzig on February 10, 1927, and of which Schenker disapproved.


printed calling card, printed greeting, recto; holograph salutation, message, valediction, signature, and postscript, verso
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1945)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1945-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs and representatives of Maria Komorn; deemed to be in the public domain
All reasonable efforts have been made to trace the heirs or representatives of Maria Komorn. The document is deemed to be in the public domain. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to Schenker Documents Online, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk

Digital version created: 2019-02-12
Last updated: 2011-03-05