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OJ 12/17, [9] - Handwritten calling card from Komorn to Heinrich Schenker, dated December 29, 1927
[printed image: sprig of fir tree and holly] ⇧ Glückliches Neues Jahr {verso} ⇧ Sehr verehrter Herr Professor, 1 gerade in den Tagen schwerster „Jonny“-Nöte 2 und der Unsicherheit, ob ich es gelassen oder wütend-empört hinnehmen soll, denke [sic] ich Ihrer zehn- und hundertfach und wünsche Ihnen ein wahrhaft schönes und glückliches 1928! Empfehlungen an die geehrte gn. Frau. © Transcription Michaela Searfoorce, 2008, 2019 |
[printed image: sprig of fir tree and holly] ⇧ Happy New Year {verso} ⇧ Greatly revered Professor, 1 Even in the days of the most awful "Jonny"-notes, 2 and uncertainty whether I should accept it calmly or indignantly, I thank you ten- and one-hundredfold and wish you a truly beautiful and happy 1928! Regards to your esteemed wife. © Translation Michaela Searfoorce, 2008, 2019 |
[printed image: sprig of fir tree and holly] ⇧ Glückliches Neues Jahr {verso} ⇧ Sehr verehrter Herr Professor, 1 gerade in den Tagen schwerster „Jonny“-Nöte 2 und der Unsicherheit, ob ich es gelassen oder wütend-empört hinnehmen soll, denke [sic] ich Ihrer zehn- und hundertfach und wünsche Ihnen ein wahrhaft schönes und glückliches 1928! Empfehlungen an die geehrte gn. Frau. © Transcription Michaela Searfoorce, 2008, 2019 |
[printed image: sprig of fir tree and holly] ⇧ Happy New Year {verso} ⇧ Greatly revered Professor, 1 Even in the days of the most awful "Jonny"-notes, 2 and uncertainty whether I should accept it calmly or indignantly, I thank you ten- and one-hundredfold and wish you a truly beautiful and happy 1928! Regards to your esteemed wife. © Translation Michaela Searfoorce, 2008, 2019 |
Footnotes1 Receipt of this item is recorded in Schenker's diary for December 30, 1928: "Von Frau Komorn (Visitenk.): Wünsche." ("From Mrs. Komorn (calling card): greetings."). Schenker calls this document a "Visitenkarte," but it could equally well be called a greetings card since it does not contain the printed name of the sender. Schenker's reply is recorded at OJ 4/1, p. 3161, January 2, 1928: "An Frau Komorn (Visitenk.): Dank für die Wünsche; mache den Witz „Jonny spielt – aus“!" ("To Mrs. Komorn (calling card): thanks for the greetings; I make the joke "Jonny's played out"!"). The joke plays on the disparity between "aufspielen" (to strike up), and "ausspielen" (to be played out, spent, finished, done for). 2 A direct reference to Ernst Krenek's jazz opera Jonny spielt auf, which had been premiered in Leipzig on February 10, 1927, and of which Schenker disapproved. |
Digital version created: 2019-02-12 |