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Sehr geehrter Doctor. — 1

Ihr interessanter aber schwerer Chor, 2 ist vom Damenchor-Verein 3 studirt worden, aber nicht bis zur Vollendung gebracht worden. Im Interesse der Composition ist beschlossen worden, denselben noch weiter zu studiren und erst {recto} im II Concert, März, zu bringen. Bitte daher zu entschuldigen, dass er diesmal am Programm fehlt.

Mit dem Ausdruck besonderer Hochachtung,

Carl Lafite
I., Schottengasse, Mölkerhof,
II. Stiege 4.St.

© Transcription Martin Eybl, 2007, 2009


Dear Dr. [Schenker], — 1

Your interesting but difficult chorus 2 has been rehearsed by the Female Chorus Association 3 but not brought to completion. In the interests of the composition it has been decided to rehearse the work further, and not {recto} to present it until the second concert, in March. Please therefore forgive its not being included in the program this time.

With expression of our kind regards,
Your most devoted

Carl Lafite
[Vienna] I, Schottengasse, Mölkerhof,
Staircase II, 4th Floor

© Translation Ian Bent, 2008, 2009


Sehr geehrter Doctor. — 1

Ihr interessanter aber schwerer Chor, 2 ist vom Damenchor-Verein 3 studirt worden, aber nicht bis zur Vollendung gebracht worden. Im Interesse der Composition ist beschlossen worden, denselben noch weiter zu studiren und erst {recto} im II Concert, März, zu bringen. Bitte daher zu entschuldigen, dass er diesmal am Programm fehlt.

Mit dem Ausdruck besonderer Hochachtung,

Carl Lafite
I., Schottengasse, Mölkerhof,
II. Stiege 4.St.

© Transcription Martin Eybl, 2007, 2009


Dear Dr. [Schenker], — 1

Your interesting but difficult chorus 2 has been rehearsed by the Female Chorus Association 3 but not brought to completion. In the interests of the composition it has been decided to rehearse the work further, and not {recto} to present it until the second concert, in March. Please therefore forgive its not being included in the program this time.

With expression of our kind regards,
Your most devoted

Carl Lafite
[Vienna] I, Schottengasse, Mölkerhof,
Staircase II, 4th Floor

© Translation Ian Bent, 2008, 2009


1 Receipt of this calling card does not appear to be recorded in Schenker's diary.

2 Probably "Agnes," Op. 18, No. 1, cf. OJ 12/29, [2], May 25, 1904.

3 Carl Lafite directed the Wiener Damenchor-Verein, which had been founded in 1900: Richard Heuberger, ed., Musikbuch aus Österreich, vol. II (Vienna: Fromme, 1905), p. 146.


calling card, printed name and address, holograph message continuation and signature recto, holograph message beginning verso
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1945)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1945-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Carl Lafite; deemed to be in the public domain
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Carl Lafite. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, at schenkercorrespondence (at) mus (dot) camc (dot) uk

Digital version created: 2014-11-14
Last updated: 2012-11-02