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27/7 1923

Meine Lieben! 1

Besten Dank für Eure Ansichtskarten. 2 Der arme Wylcz[yk] 3 war vor 3 Tagen bei uns. Was er besinnen wird? Er muss in Bernhard irgendeine verlässliche Wirtschafterin finden, weil er 2 Kinder bei sich behalten will. 4 Der Mann ist gebrochen.

Deine Abrechnung kann ich Dir nicht schicken, weil meine Secretärin auf Urlaub ist; sie hat alles auf Dein Conto gebucht. –

{2} Was die Frieda anbelangt, 5 so kann ich bei dieser Stagnation nichts erreichen. Wir müssen uns gedulden. Ich gehe am 1. August auf Urlaub. — Meine Adresse wird sein: Reichraming (Oberoesterr.).

Es freut mich sehr zu hören, dass es dort so schön u. gut ist. Wien ist nach wie vor ekelhaft teuer.

In Deutschland bereitet sich eine Katastrofe vor. Heute bekommt man für 1 Krone 10 Mark! –

Herzliche Grüsse u. Küsse von
[signed:] Moriz

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2023


July 27, 1923

My dears, 1

Many thanks for your picture postcards. 2 Poor Wylczyk 3 was with us three days. What on earth is he going to do? He will have to find some kind of reliable housekeeper in Sankt Bernhard, because he wants to keep the two children with him. 4 The poor man is broken.

I can’t send your financial statement to you because my secretary is on holiday. She has all the records of your account.

{2} As concerns Frieda, 5 I can’t get my hands on anything because of this stagnation. We must be patient. I am going on leave on August 1. My address will be: Reichraming (Upper Austria).

I am delighted to hear that it is lovely and all well there. Vienna is now, as ever, horribly expensive.

In Germany a catastrophe is brewing. Today for 1 Krone you get 10 Marks!

Heartfelt greetings and kisses from
[signed:] Moriz

© Translation Ian Bent, 2023


27/7 1923

Meine Lieben! 1

Besten Dank für Eure Ansichtskarten. 2 Der arme Wylcz[yk] 3 war vor 3 Tagen bei uns. Was er besinnen wird? Er muss in Bernhard irgendeine verlässliche Wirtschafterin finden, weil er 2 Kinder bei sich behalten will. 4 Der Mann ist gebrochen.

Deine Abrechnung kann ich Dir nicht schicken, weil meine Secretärin auf Urlaub ist; sie hat alles auf Dein Conto gebucht. –

{2} Was die Frieda anbelangt, 5 so kann ich bei dieser Stagnation nichts erreichen. Wir müssen uns gedulden. Ich gehe am 1. August auf Urlaub. — Meine Adresse wird sein: Reichraming (Oberoesterr.).

Es freut mich sehr zu hören, dass es dort so schön u. gut ist. Wien ist nach wie vor ekelhaft teuer.

In Deutschland bereitet sich eine Katastrofe vor. Heute bekommt man für 1 Krone 10 Mark! –

Herzliche Grüsse u. Küsse von
[signed:] Moriz

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2023


July 27, 1923

My dears, 1

Many thanks for your picture postcards. 2 Poor Wylczyk 3 was with us three days. What on earth is he going to do? He will have to find some kind of reliable housekeeper in Sankt Bernhard, because he wants to keep the two children with him. 4 The poor man is broken.

I can’t send your financial statement to you because my secretary is on holiday. She has all the records of your account.

{2} As concerns Frieda, 5 I can’t get my hands on anything because of this stagnation. We must be patient. I am going on leave on August 1. My address will be: Reichraming (Upper Austria).

I am delighted to hear that it is lovely and all well there. Vienna is now, as ever, horribly expensive.

In Germany a catastrophe is brewing. Today for 1 Krone you get 10 Marks!

Heartfelt greetings and kisses from
[signed:] Moriz

© Translation Ian Bent, 2023


1 Receipt of this letter is recorded in Heinrich’s diary for July 31, 1923: “Von Mozio (Br.): jetzt sei wegen Stagnation nichts zu machen, wir müssen uns gedulden; Wilhelm gebrochen, will die Kinder behalten, eine Wirtschafterin nehmen; Mozio geht auf Urlaub.” (“From Mozio (letter): there is nothing to be done now because of stagnation, we have to be patient; Wilhelm broken, wants to keep the children, take a housekeeper; Mozio is going on vacation.”). — Moriz inserts endashes or emdashes at several points in this letter; wherever he embarks on a new topic, a paragraph-break has been editorially inserted.

2 No picture postcard is known to survive. Communications recorded in Heinrich’s diary before July 27 include: July 3: “An Mozio (Ansichtsk.): erinnere an Frieda u. bitte um eine Bestätigung des dem Conto gutgeschriebenen Betrages.” (“To Mozio (picture postcard): remind him about Frieda and ask for a confirmation of the amount deposited in the account.”); July 24: “An Mozio (Ansichtsk.): erinnere an Frieda, Widy u. Wilhelm, laden ihn ein.” (“To Mozio (picture postcard): remind him about Frieda, Widy and Wilhelm; we invite him.”).

3 Wilczyk: the Polish form of Wilhelm.

4 Wilhelm’s second wife, Dodi, had died on July 10, 1923.

5 Cf. footnote 2 above. Heinrich’s diary for July 30 records: “An Mozio (Br.): erinnere wieder an Frieda, da Goldschläger inzwischen promoviert!” (“To Mozio (letter): remind him again about Frieda, since Goldschläger has meanwhile earned his doctorate!”), which crosses with Moriz’s next letter.


1p letter, broad format, printed sender address, holograph salutation, message, valediction, and signature
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1945)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1945-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Julia Schenker or Moriz Schenker, respectively, deemed to be in the public domain
This document is deemed to be in the public domain. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk.

Digital version created: 2024-02-10
Last updated: 2010-03-21