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[All in a decorative rule-frame]

[Absender:] Dr. H Schenker

[An:] Herrn Direktor Emil Hertzka
Wien, I, Reichsrathsstr. 9

[postmark:] || PANEVEGGIO | 12.VI.12 | * a * || {verso}

Sehr geehrter Herr Direktor!

In Fortsetzung meines heute an Sie abgeschickten Briefes 1 ersuche ich Sie höflichst, mir hierher ein Exemplar meiner „chromatischen Fantasie“ gütigst zukommen zu lassen, das ich einer „Kollegin“ einer Lehrerin am Klindworth-Scharwenkakonservatorium in Berlin schenken möchte. „Lasset die Kindlein zu mir kommen“, 2 muß ich auch zuweilen sagen . . .

Mit bestem Dank fur Mühe u. Liebenswürdigkeit.

verbleibe Ihr ergeb[ener]
[signed:] H Schenker

12. 7. 1912

NB. ersuche ich die „ U.E.“, das 3 Exemplar sobald als möglich auszufolgen.

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2007, 2023

[All in a decorative rule-frame]

[From:] Dr. H. Schenker
South Tyrol

[To:]Director Emil Hertzka
Vienna I, Reichsrathsstraße 9
Universal Edition

[postmark:] || PANEVEGGIO | 12.VI.12 | * a * || {verso}

Dear Director,

Further to the letter I sent off to you today, 1 I ask you please most kindly to have a copy of my Chromatic Fantasy [& Fugue] sent to me here, which I should like to send to a female "colleague," a teacher at the Klindworth-Scharwenka Conservatory in Berlin. "Let the little children come to me" 2 ‒ I, too, must say that from time to time . . .

With best thanks for your trouble and kindness

I remain your devoted
[signed:] H. Schenker

July 12, 1912

P. S. I ask UE to dispatch the 3 copy as soon as possible.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2007, 2023

[All in a decorative rule-frame]

[Absender:] Dr. H Schenker

[An:] Herrn Direktor Emil Hertzka
Wien, I, Reichsrathsstr. 9

[postmark:] || PANEVEGGIO | 12.VI.12 | * a * || {verso}

Sehr geehrter Herr Direktor!

In Fortsetzung meines heute an Sie abgeschickten Briefes 1 ersuche ich Sie höflichst, mir hierher ein Exemplar meiner „chromatischen Fantasie“ gütigst zukommen zu lassen, das ich einer „Kollegin“ einer Lehrerin am Klindworth-Scharwenkakonservatorium in Berlin schenken möchte. „Lasset die Kindlein zu mir kommen“, 2 muß ich auch zuweilen sagen . . .

Mit bestem Dank fur Mühe u. Liebenswürdigkeit.

verbleibe Ihr ergeb[ener]
[signed:] H Schenker

12. 7. 1912

NB. ersuche ich die „ U.E.“, das 3 Exemplar sobald als möglich auszufolgen.

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2007, 2023

[All in a decorative rule-frame]

[From:] Dr. H. Schenker
South Tyrol

[To:]Director Emil Hertzka
Vienna I, Reichsrathsstraße 9
Universal Edition

[postmark:] || PANEVEGGIO | 12.VI.12 | * a * || {verso}

Dear Director,

Further to the letter I sent off to you today, 1 I ask you please most kindly to have a copy of my Chromatic Fantasy [& Fugue] sent to me here, which I should like to send to a female "colleague," a teacher at the Klindworth-Scharwenka Conservatory in Berlin. "Let the little children come to me" 2 ‒ I, too, must say that from time to time . . .

With best thanks for your trouble and kindness

I remain your devoted
[signed:] H. Schenker

July 12, 1912

P. S. I ask UE to dispatch the 3 copy as soon as possible.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2007, 2023


1 = WSLB 126, dated July 11, 1912.

2 Matthew 19.14, “Lasset die Kinder und wehret ihnen nicht, zu mir zu kommen; denn solchen gehört das Himmelreich.“ (Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these – NIV; better known as “Suffer the little children to come unto me ...”)

3 A hole punched in the original document has obscure the word. Fragments of the first and last letters remain, and suggest the proposed solution.


Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker, in the public domain
This document is deemed to have been in the public domain as of January 1, 2006. All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk.
Printed postcard, holograph sender and recipient addresses, postmark and postage stamp, recto: holograph salutation, message, valediction, signature, and postscript, annotation in unknown hand (UE) verso
Universal Edition Archive (document date-1976)—on permanent loan to the Wienbibliothek im Rathhaus (1976-)

Digital version created: 2023-02-13
Last updated: 2010-03-04