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Sonntag, 27. 10.

In der Meunier-Ausstellung in Hagenbund. 1 „das Denkmal der Arbeit“, vor Allem aber „Sackträger“. Die Stellung der Beine! Mit der Antike ganz identisch, vom Stofflichen freilich abgesehen. Plastik ohne jede Trübung, u. Überschreitung der Grenzen. [—] Katarrh: Bäderunterbrechen.

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2017

Sunday, October 27

At the Meunier Exhibition in Hagenbund. 1 "The Monument to Labor," however, is above all the "Sack Carrier." The positioning of the legs! Absolutely identical with antiquity, admittedly apart from the material used. Sculpture without falsification or overstepping of the boundaries. [—] Catarrh: break from taking baths.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2017

Sonntag, 27. 10.

In der Meunier-Ausstellung in Hagenbund. 1 „das Denkmal der Arbeit“, vor Allem aber „Sackträger“. Die Stellung der Beine! Mit der Antike ganz identisch, vom Stofflichen freilich abgesehen. Plastik ohne jede Trübung, u. Überschreitung der Grenzen. [—] Katarrh: Bäderunterbrechen.

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2017

Sunday, October 27

At the Meunier Exhibition in Hagenbund. 1 "The Monument to Labor," however, is above all the "Sack Carrier." The positioning of the legs! Absolutely identical with antiquity, admittedly apart from the material used. Sculpture without falsification or overstepping of the boundaries. [—] Catarrh: break from taking baths.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2017


1 The advertisement in the Neue freie Presse for this day, p. 21, reads: "Hagenbund: XX. Ausstellung Konstantin Meunier 9‒7 Uhr 1K. Parkring, Zedlitzgasse 6." Hagenbund: a break-away group of Austrian artists, formed in 1899. Constantin Meunier (1831‒1905), Belgian painter and sculptor, his work particularly featuring factory workers, dockers, and miners, industrial landscapes and buildings. "The Monument to Labor" comprises four stone bas-reliefs: "Industry," "The Mine," "Harvest," and "The Harbor," four bronze statues: "The Sower," "The Smith," "The Miner," and "The Ancestor," and a bronze group, "Maternity."