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Vienna's leading liberal daily newspaper, founded by Max Friedländer in 1864.

The paper appeared from September 1, 1864 until January 31, 1939. It had a distinguished array of contributors, was modern in its style of journalism and technology, and was at its height a newspaper of world rank, issuing morning and evening editions (Morgenblatt and Abendblatt) on some days of the week. The paper covered international news, local news, business, the world's stock markets, culture, and the arts. An important feature was its feuilleton, which occupied the bottom inches of the first few pages of the morning edition on several days a week, running continuously from page to page. The heart of the artistic coverage appeared in the daily section "Theater and Art News" (Theater- und Kunstnachrichtung).

Its chief editor from 1908 to his death in 1920 was Moriz Benedikt, whose association with the paper extended back to 1872. Its Paris correspondent from 1891 was the founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl. Its music critic from 1864 to his death in 1904 was Eduard Hanslick; Julius Korngold succeeded him, serving from 1904 to 1934. All were men of great influence in their different capacities.

The Neue Freie Presse and Schenker

Schenker read the Neue Freie Presse every day, and his diaries are full of quotations from and reactions to its articles. He read the world news assiduously; he also read the feuilletons and kept abreast of the cultural news and in particular of musical events. On at least one occasion, he inserted an announcement (June 3, 1911). Schenker also instructed his publishers to send a review copy of each of his newly published works to the paper.

Only one postcard from the paper's editors to Schenker is preserved (OC 50/13: 1931), and no correspondence in the reverse direction is known to survive.

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