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Sonntag, 4. 11. 06. 10˚

[final version only:] Verleger Herzmansky ( Doblinger ) gesteht unumwunden den Gedankengang Drt. Stritzko ’s, wie auch den eigenen ein, der in seiner nackten Borniertheit u. Unzweckmäßigkeit die gemeinsamen [sic] Herausgabe 1 der Instrumententabelle vereitelt hat. So behielt mein Instinkt, selbst in der angeblich praktischeren Welt des Kaufmannes, vollauf Recht!

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2017

Sunday, November 4, 1906. 10˚

[final version only:] Publisher Herzmansky (of Doblinger) openly admits Director Stritzko's line of thought (and his own, too), which in its unvarnished narrowmindedness and inappropriateness has thwarted the joint edition 1 of the Instrumentation Table . So my instinct was absolutely right, even in the allegedly practical world of the businessman.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2017

Sonntag, 4. 11. 06. 10˚

[final version only:] Verleger Herzmansky ( Doblinger ) gesteht unumwunden den Gedankengang Drt. Stritzko ’s, wie auch den eigenen ein, der in seiner nackten Borniertheit u. Unzweckmäßigkeit die gemeinsamen [sic] Herausgabe 1 der Instrumententabelle vereitelt hat. So behielt mein Instinkt, selbst in der angeblich praktischeren Welt des Kaufmannes, vollauf Recht!

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2017

Sunday, November 4, 1906. 10˚

[final version only:] Publisher Herzmansky (of Doblinger) openly admits Director Stritzko's line of thought (and his own, too), which in its unvarnished narrowmindedness and inappropriateness has thwarted the joint edition 1 of the Instrumentation Table . So my instinct was absolutely right, even in the allegedly practical world of the businessman.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2017


1 "gemeinsam" (common, shared, mutual, joint): the adjective is revealing. Schenker subsequently treated the work as his own; but its publication under the pseudonym "Artur Niloff," or "Niiloff," the last name of which is widely agreed to be an anagram of the last name of his close friend Moriz Violin ("ff" = "v"), already raises the possibility that the work was compiled jointly. And the remark in the diary for September 16, 1906, "After consultation with Floriz and Karpath, letter to Stritzko regarding the advance payment on royalty" might even suggest triple authorship.